5 reasons to outsource your workplace investigation

Workplace investigations are pivotal to maintaining organisational integrity and fostering a healthy working environment, serving as a proactive measure to address a wide variety of issues, such as bribery and corruption, harassment and bullying, discrimination, and compliance policy violations. By promptly addressing these concerns through an official investigative process, organisations can demonstrate their commitment to fostering a safe and respectful workplace that their stakeholders can trust.

However, conducting these investigations internally can pose serious challenges. From preserving impartiality to allocating adequate resources and mitigating risks to both the company and any individuals involved, the complexities of a workplace investigation can cause significant strain on corporate resources and internal bandwidth. As such, many businesses opt to outsource these investigations to external experts as a strategic solution to these challenges.

Based on GoodCorporation’s extensive experience in this field, here are five benefits to businesses of outsourcing their internal corporate investigations.

1. Maintains impartiality

Outsourcing workplace investigations helps to ensure impartiality, a cornerstone of any investigation. By working with an external investigator, organisations gain assurance that the process will be conducted in a fair and unbiased manner, free from the influence of prejudice or vested interests that could skew the investigation outcome. In contrast, internal investigators may find it challenging to remain entirely neutral, meaning that unconscious bias could potentially undermine the credibility of the investigation and its findings.

Moreover, employees are more likely to be candid when they know the investigator is independent, with no direct connection to the organisation, making interviewees more comfortable and productive. If faced with a colleague with whom they may have prior relationships, individuals may be less willing to disclose sensitive information for fear of how it will be perceived or used in the future. Alternatively, collaborating with an external investigator who has no pre-existing ties to the company, or its employees, builds trust in the process, ensuring everyone is treated equally and alleviating concerns about favouritism affecting the investigation’s outcome.

2. Provides expert investigative experience

External investigators, such as GoodCorporation, apply their specialised skills and professional experience to evidence gathering, witness interviews, forensic analysis, and e-discovery. Unlike internal staff who may have limited exposure to complex investigations, external experts have experience in dealing with the wide variety of scenarios and challenges that may arise, enabling them to navigate the investigative process more efficiently and effectively, ensuring no detail is overlooked.

Outsourcing a workplace investigation to specialists can also signal a serious commitment to addressing the issue at hand, demonstrating a steadfast dedication to upholding the organisation’s integrity. This commitment not only reassures employees, but also indicates to external stakeholders that the company takes its ethical responsibilities seriously. By leveraging the expertise of experienced practitioners, organisations can ensure that their investigations are conducted thoroughly and adhere to the best practices and legal standards with which experts are familiar.

3. Reduces the drain on resources

Workplace investigations are not only time-sensitive, but also time-consuming, and can significantly burden internal teams already managing their regular responsibilities. From fact-finding missions and document reviews, to implementing comprehensive and rigorous interviews, each step of the investigative process requires significant time and attention. This can then divert internal resources from their core functions, leading to decreased productivity and increased stress among staff as they try to juggle multiple responsibilities in a high-pressure environment.

External investigators handle the entire process, allowing internal personnel to focus on their core roles while helping to ensure that investigations progress without interruption, with internal operations remaining unaffected. Additionally, outsourcing investigations can be more cost effective in the long run, as by avoiding the need to train external staff or hire temporary employees to fill in workload gaps, businesses can manage their budgets more effectively.

4. Prevents the disruption of workplace dynamics

Corporate investigations can put a strain on workplace relationships and dynamics, especially when the investigation is being led by an internal team member. When employees are asked to investigate their colleagues, it can create an environment of mistrust and tension, both of which can be detrimental to an investigative process, as well as the wider working environment.

Consequently, the individual or team conducting the internal investigation might find themselves in a precarious position, potentially being perceived as adversarial or even the ‘bad guy’ by their colleagues. This perception can undermine their standing within the company, leading to strained relationships and potential hostility. Such dynamics not only affect the investigator’s work environment but can also disrupt overall team cohesion and morale, further complicating an already sensitive situation.

Utilising a third-party investigation service can alleviate these concerns. By entrusting the investigation to impartial third-party experts, any decisions or findings are less likely to be perceived as bias or influenced by internal relationships. This in turn will help to preserve workplace harmony, mitigating the risks of interpersonal conflicts and strained relationships between colleagues moving forward.

5. Helps to mitigate risk to the company

Investigations often arise from serious complaints that, if mishandled, could lead to litigation. The complexities of workplace investigations require a good understanding of legal and regulatory requirements. Any misstep during the investigation process, such as mishandling of evidence or failure to follow due process, can exacerbate risks and potentially leave the company in a more precarious position than when the investigation began.

Trained investigative professionals possess the required expertise to navigate these complexities and mitigate risks effectively. They are trained to conduct investigations that comply with legal standards, ensuring that the process is thorough and defensible. Outsourcing investigations ensure that they adhere to the highest standards of fairness, impartiality and legal compliance, reducing the risk of litigation and preserving the company’s integrity. By minimising the likelihood of errors and ensuring an unbiased judgement that maintains integrity and meets the expectations of stakeholders, the ability to reach a satisfactory outcome becomes more likely. This helps protect the company from potential legal repercussions whilst reinforcing its commitment to ethical conduct and transparency.

How GoodCorporation can help

Outsourcing workplace investigations to external experts offers numerous advantages. With over 20 years of experience, GoodCorporation’s team of experts conduct investigations with maximum effectiveness and efficiency. Our team has extensive experience handling various types of workplace issues, from misconduct to cases of bribery, corruption and fraud, and are adept at managing sensitive situations with the utmost professionalism, ensuring that all aspects of the investigation are conducted thoroughly and discreetly. By trusting GoodCorporation, businesses can be confident that they are receiving the utmost professional care tailored to their organisation’s specific investigative needs.

To find out more, visit our dedicated workplace investigations webpage today or get in touch.