Forewarned is forearmed, or so the saying goes, but ask any whistleblower if they were given a hero’s welcome as they raised the alarm and you’d think the opposite were true. Many whistleblowers, Michael Woodford and Frances Haugen included, face actual or prospective persecution for raising concerns. Yet without these important revelations, many corruption scandals,…
Tag Archives: Whistleblower
In 2017, Leo Martin commented in Ethical Corporation on how companies can encourage their employees to speak out about problems before they turn into crises While the phrase forewarned is forearmed may make total sense on the battle field, it seems that the world of business is yet to properly cotton on. According to the…
GoodCorporation joined the whistleblowing charities and law firms calling for regulators to ensure that whistleblowers are properly protected. Leo Martin was quoted in The Guardian, the journal for the International Bar Association and Here is the City. “The Barclays whistleblower scandal will be a real test for the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation…
Whistleblowing hotlines come highly recommended. The Ministry of Justice includes whistleblowing or speak-up lines as a key bribery prevention procedure in its guidance on the Bribery Act. Under the Combined Code on Corporate Governance, companies listed in the UK are obliged to have whistleblowing arrangements or explain why not. In the US, listed companies are…
Businesses striving to establish an ethical corporate culture are encouraged to set up an effective speak-up system. Working on what is now a clearly established truth that misconduct damages corporate reputations, a good whistleblowing system can act as a company’s eyes and ears, providing an early warning system so that real reputational damage can be…