Tag Archives: human rights

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Should companies have a head of human rights?

Baroness Young hosted our second House of Lords debate this year and began by sharing her optimism at how far the human rights agenda has evolved over the last few decades. Professor Parosha Chandran, the UK’s leading anti-slavery lawyer and award-winning human rights barrister opened the discussion. She highlighted some key human rights cases and…

Textile factory workers

UN calls to improve human rights in supply chains

Following the publication by the United Nations’ working group on business and human rights of their roadmap for the next decade, Leo Martin spoke to Board Agenda about the significance of these new goals. According to Leo, the most important section is on due diligence which requires companies to stop talking and start checking. This…

wide shot of a quarry

Producing renewable energy that respects human rights

Between 2010 and 2020, the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre documented over 500 allegations of human rights abuses related to renewable energy projects, particularly in Latin America. These allegations included murders, threats, land-grabs, poor working conditions and impacts on the livelihoods of local communities. Such a catalogue clearly shows that the production of so-called…

river with rubbish in it and a desolate house affected by pollution

The role of business in ensuring the right to a sustainable environment

On October 8, less than a month before the opening of COP26 (Conference of the Parties on Climate Change) in Glasgow, the United Nations Human Rights Council acknowledged the human right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment. The text, proposed by Costa Rica, Morocco, the Maldives, Slovenia and Switzerland, was adopted by 43…

Five steps to effective human rights risk assessment

Ten years on from the publication of the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights accounts of human rights abuses such as child labour, exploitation, enslavement and habitat destruction are still all too familiar. Despite the introduction of tougher human rights legislation in multiple jurisdictions, it would seem that assessing and mitigating…

Textile factory workers

Managing the link between corruption and human rights

The link between human rights and corruption is well-known. It is also high on the agenda for many international organisations, including the United Nations and the OECD. Most countries have distinct legislation around both corruption and human rights. In France, companies of a certain size are required to implement specific compliance programmes to meet the…

Switzerland: moving towards the adoption of a human rights due diligence law

Mandatory human rights due diligence could be introduced into Swiss law next month following a public vote. This could have significant implications for for all Swiss headquartered companies. Angela Floydd, Managing Director Europe at Laurence Simons Search, interviewed GoodCorporation’s Juliette Hérault about the forthcoming referendum and its implications. Juliette and Angela discuss how the referendum…

child holding a football

New initiative to help prevent child trafficking in sport

Every year, thousands of children are trafficked in sport. On the UN World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, July 30, GoodCorporation and Mission 89 launched a framework to safeguard children from trafficking in sport. Among the organisation backing the principles outlined in the framework is FIFA. The framework has been designed to help clubs and…

child holding a football

Paul Tergat welcomes framework to safeguard children from trafficking in sport

July 30 – Working on the frontline to end human trafficking: UN World Day Against Trafficking in Persons Every year, hundreds of thousands of children are trafficked for sport. To help clubs and sporting bodies prevent this from happening, anti-trafficking charity Mission 89 and GoodCorporation have developed a Framework on Safeguarding Children from Trafficking in…

textile factory workers

New UK Environment Bill could lead to greater human rights due diligence

In a comment piece for Ethical Corporation Michael Pollitt argues that amendments to the UK Environment Bill could plug the current implementation gaps in the Modern Slavery Act. A new clause tabled for addition to the Environment Bill would force the government to publish legislation within six months imposing a duty on corporations to identify…