Tag Archives: human rights due diligence

extreme air pollution across a city

An introduction to the EU Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

In the latest edition of the French publication Compliances, GoodCorporation’s Caroline Le Mestre and Felix Feunteun discuss the proposed sustainability  due diligence directive, exploring the legislation that preceded the directive and what its introduction will mean for businesses and their human rights obligations. Primary aims of the EU Sustainability Due Diligence Directive The aim of…

Textile factory workers

UN calls to improve human rights in supply chains

Following the publication by the United Nations’ working group on business and human rights of their roadmap for the next decade, Leo Martin spoke to Board Agenda about the significance of these new goals. According to Leo, the most important section is on due diligence which requires companies to stop talking and start checking. This…

Five steps to effective human rights risk assessment

Ten years on from the publication of the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights accounts of human rights abuses such as child labour, exploitation, enslavement and habitat destruction are still all too familiar. Despite the introduction of tougher human rights legislation in multiple jurisdictions, it would seem that assessing and mitigating…

Switzerland: moving towards the adoption of a human rights due diligence law

Mandatory human rights due diligence could be introduced into Swiss law next month following a public vote. This could have significant implications for for all Swiss headquartered companies. Angela Floydd, Managing Director Europe at Laurence Simons Search, interviewed GoodCorporation’s Juliette Hérault about the forthcoming referendum and its implications. Juliette and Angela discuss how the referendum…