Tag Archives: ESG

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Is business taking human rights more seriously?

GoodCorporation welcomed John Morrison, Chief Executive of the Institute for Human Rights to lead our October business ethics debate at the House of Lords. The debate explored what has changed in human rights and asked Why are businesses taking human rights more seriously? John confirmed that The Corporate Human Rights Benchmark has seen a huge…

Yara – a substantive approach to ESG

ESG is a challenge for many companies. Is the paper-thin approach to CSR enough? Are investors serious about demanding tangible evidence of a commitment to sustainability, integrity and good governance as well as strong financial performance? Fund managers are not investing in building ESG teams to tick boxes or review paper. The ESG teams are…

blue toy VW van upside down in a puddle with a reflection of the van the right way round

Nurturing a good culture can actively reduce business risk

Businesses should actively promote ethical decision-making if they truly want to reduce the risk of a Volkswagen-scale scandal. Writing in Ethical Corporation, Michael Pollitt argues that businesses need to ensure that the behaviours they promote are not just in line with company values, but that they actively promote ethical decision-making and good conduct. As countless…

The role of ESG in value creation

A corporate scandal can decimate share value, and not just in the immediate aftermath as the gory details hit the headlines. Shareholders in Volkswagen, Tesco, Toshiba and Rolls-Royce, all mired by significant wrong-doing, are still suffering damage some four years after the scandals emerged. The share price of all four companies is still 30-40 percentage…

The measure of success: what do investors really need to know?

Despite the UK’s biggest institutional investors calling for companies to stop quarterly reporting now it is no longer mandatory, it seems that big businesses are reluctant to kick the habit.  According to the Investment Association (IA) although several FTSE 100 companies, including Unilever and Legal & General, have put an end to quarterly reporting, the…