The COP28 (2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference) kicked off on Thursday 30 November for 2 weeks. It brings together the signatories of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, made up of 197 countries and the supranational European Union. The aim of this annual conference is for countries to agree on objectives and…
Tag Archives: ESG
In recent years, discussions around Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) matters have gained prominence within organisations. Driven by a global push for sustainability and responsible business practices, the management of ESG-related issues has become increasingly intertwined with a business’s overall performance. From an environmental perspective, the urgency of the climate crisis has pushed ESG issues…
More and more companies are coming under pressure to show not just that they fully understand their environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts, but that they have plans in place to mitigate them. For any business wishing to respond to that pressure – which comes from employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders and local communities, but in…
“The planet cannot afford delays, excuses or more greenwashing”, said The Hon Catherine McKenna, chair of the United Nations High-level Expert Group on the Net Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities in the UN report “Integrity matters”. This latest statement from the UN adds to the growing pressure pushing businesses from voluntary initiatives to regulatory…
A combination of forthcoming legislation, increasing investor demands and societal pressure means that a business’s value chain is coming under closer scrutiny. GoodCorporation’s latest Business Ethics Debate at the House of Lords sought to explore the approaches businesses are taking when conducting due diligence across their value chains. Hosted by Baroness Neville-Jones, the debate was…
The start of 2023 has been overshadowed by significant economic fallout from the Ukraine war and the continuing impacts on supply-chains from China’s slow opening up, political concerns about China, the lingering impacts of Covid and, for us in the UK, Brexit. For ethics and compliance officers there is so much going on that it…
With a swathe of regulation coming into force, requiring businesses to demonstrate how environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are managed, companies are under increasing pressure to report on a wide range of areas, but without an agreed framework for doing so. As such there is considerable disparity between the reporting methodologies, particularly against social…
Companies are under greater scrutiny than ever before. It is widely accepted they have an impact on the planet that needs to be managed and a duty to those they work with or who are impacted by their activities. Investors, and now regulators, are demanding to see how these material issues are being managed, so…
With environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues continuing to dominate the agenda, the 2022 Chatham House Responsible Business Conference explored how ESG matters will be adopted into meaningful and normalised decision making. GoodCorporation director Gareth Thomas joined the panel that focussed on ESG and sustainable finance. This session examined the role of regulators, corporates and…
The second part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Report[1], published last week, focuses on the consequences of climate change. In particular, its impact on ecosystems and human societies, as well as on the means used so far to adapt to these changes. The first part of the report, published in August…