Tag Archives: Environment

cityscape with ecological icons overlayed

How to develop an effective environment policy  

Concerns surrounding the environment have become central business issues in recent years. With increasing legislation, rising stakeholder expectations, and consumers advocating for sustainable business practices, managing and mitigating environmental risks has become more critical than ever, with companies now being expected to provide greater transparency and accountability for their environmental performance.  While many organisations have…

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Building an effective environmental strategy

In recent years, discussions around Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) matters have gained prominence within organisations. Driven by a global push for sustainability and responsible business practices, the management of ESG-related issues has become increasingly intertwined with a business’s overall performance. From an environmental perspective, the urgency of the climate crisis has pushed ESG issues…

textile factory workers

New UK Environment Bill could lead to greater human rights due diligence

In a comment piece for Ethical Corporation Michael Pollitt argues that amendments to the UK Environment Bill could plug the current implementation gaps in the Modern Slavery Act. A new clause tabled for addition to the Environment Bill would force the government to publish legislation within six months imposing a duty on corporations to identify…