Tag Archives: due diligence

Silhouetted construction workers at sunset on building site.

A best-practice guide to conducting effective human rights due diligence

Large, complex supply chains are fraught with risk for many businesses, not least in the area of human rights, where companies have a web of challenging issues to navigate, from potential environmental degradation and community impacts to worker exploitation and poor working conditions. With the publication of the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGPs) in 2011,…

EU flags blowing in the wind

Can the CS3D be saved?

If the EU fails to pass the previously agreed Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) it would represent a major setback for the just transition to a lower carbon economy and greater corporate sustainability. After years of tripartite negotiations between the EU Parliament, the Commission and the Council, the CS3D is going through troubled times…

a landscape that has been destroyed by pollution filled with rubbish

Implementing effective human rights and environmental due diligence legislation

The Norwegian Transparency Act which came into force last month requires certain companies to carry human rights due diligence to ensure they operate responsibly. This legislation is demanding, as it applies to Norwegian or foreign companies with operations in Norway that meet at least two of the following three criteria: They will also be required…

Textile factory workers

UN calls to improve human rights in supply chains

Following the publication by the United Nations’ working group on business and human rights of their roadmap for the next decade, Leo Martin spoke to Board Agenda about the significance of these new goals. According to Leo, the most important section is on due diligence which requires companies to stop talking and start checking. This…

contract surrounded by money

Managing fraud risks during Covid-19

History teaches us that extraordinary global events such as the current Covid-19 pandemic can lead to an increase in fraud and other forms of corruption. Companies have rightly prioritised health and safety, business continuity and recovery programmes. This is quite distinct from previous economic crises when companies focussed heavily on cost reductions and revenue protection…

Team collaborating around a laptop in office

GoodCorporation launches Anti Bribery & Corruption Framework

To help businesses test the efficacy of their Anti-Corruption procedures, GoodCorporation has developed an Anti Bribery and Corruption framework. GoodCorporation’s Bribery and Corruption Framework has been designed in the same way as its Standard for corporate responsibility. It has a list of 60 good management practices that companies should follow to protect themselves against the…