ESG and sustainability

ESG reporting requirements are placing increasing demands on organisations, with frameworks such as TCFD and the CSRD mandating companies to provide significant amounts of data on issues which they may never have measured before.

In addition, to comply with the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) many large organisations are now expected to to conduct human rights and environmental due diligence, integrating this into their policies and risk management systems in order to identify, assess and resolve their negative impacts in these areas.

To do this successfully, organisations need to understand their material ESG risks. This means identifying not just the risk itself, but how to mitigate those risks to reduce any negative impacts on people and planet, while still delivering profitability.

This requires the development of effective systems and processes as well as meaningful measurement and data gathering.


GoodCorporation’s ESG
and sustainability services

GoodCorporation works with clients to help them analyse and understand their material ESG issues. Our services enable organisations to identify what needs to be done to demonstrate a responsible approach to the management of environment, social and governance issues and how to comply with all reporting requirements. Our ESG services focus on three key areas:

Materiality assessment
A materiality assessment is the critical first step in  the development of any ESG strategy, enabling an organisation to identify the key ESG issues that will have an impact on both business performance AND key stakeholders.

Operational ESG
A meaningful ESG strategy needs to be embedded into the systems and processes of an organisation. GoodCorporation deploys over 20 years’ experience in building and embedding responsible management systems to help organisations operationalise their ESG strategy.

ESG compliance support and data collection
A suite of services to enable an organisation to understand applicable legal and other reporting requirements, developing the framework, metrics, policies, procedures and necessary data to improve ESG performance and meet reporting obligations.

ESG materiality

ESG risks will vary from organisation to organisation so it is critical to identify the specific ESG issues salient to your business that have an impact on both performance and stakeholders.

GoodCorporation’s Materiality Assessment will help identify all critical ESG risks and facilitate the development of a strategy to mitigate and manage the areas identified.

Our Materiality Assessment enables an organisation to:


Identify key stakeholders to ensure all areas of the business and its operations are covered

Identify and prioritise key ESG issues specific to your organisation:

  • Analysis of the nature of the business, location of operations, complexity
    of the supply chain: involve all key functions.
  • Environmental risks including, GHG emissions, biodiversity impact, land-use and water-use.
  • Social issues e.g. human rights, worker welfare, DEI, community
    engagement, privacy and data protection.
  • Governance issues e.g. corruption, AML, transparency, policies and procedures.

Meet with internal stakeholders to build engagement

Identify and agree key measurement metrics and KPIs

Develop an ESG strategy and roadmap

ESG compliance and data gathering

A combination of legislative requirements and investor pressure is placing an obligation on organisations to gather data and information to demonstrate their responsible management of a range of environmental, social and governance issues. GoodCorporation’s ESG Compliance Support helps an organisation to:


Identify all applicable legal and regulatory reporting requirements e.g IFRS, CSRD, CS3D, SFDR, TCFD, SEC, EU Taxonomy etc.


Conduct a review and gap analysis of existing and relevant governance policies and procedures


Develop a prioritised roadmap for improvement


Set meaningful,
pragmatic ESG targets


Ensure data collection and evidence gathering mechanisms are in place


Identify which material ESG issues are already being measured and managed


Agree additional
measurement metrics


Verification of data
and evidence


Demonstrate that management systems align with key ESG goals

GoodCorporation supports companies to integrate ESG into their business and develop a communications strategy for investors, employees and other key stakeholders.


Environment Framework

The GoodCorporation Environment Framework provides set of responsible practices and procedures to help improve the robustness of any organisation’s environmental performance management.

There are 43 framework points across 9 topics, including the governance of environmental topics, identifying and evaluating environmental risks and impacts of business activities, developing an effective environmental strategy and ensuring compliance to applicable environmental regulations. 

It can be used to design or evaluate how environmental topics are managed as a whole or how specific issues are treated – such as greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity impact, water use and land use for example. Use of the framework can also help organisations develop their sustainability strategies and embed environmental best practices into their business strategy. 

Applicable to all relevant environmental issues, the framework can be used to help organisations align with global environmental standards and legislation by supporting the development of effective environmental management practices. 

For organisations looking to develop an environmental roadmap, the framework can be used as a tool to perform a gap analysis against their current environmental management practices, enabling strengths and areas for improvement to be identified.

As a high-level environment governance referential, it offers non-technical guidance to support organisations in managing their environmental responsibilities with regards to setting targets, improving environmental performance and meeting reporting requirements.

The evolution
of ESG reporting

With a swathe of regulation coming into force, requiring businesses to demonstrate how environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are managed, companies are under increasing pressure to report on a wide range of areas, but without an agreed framework for doing so.

So how are businesses reporting on ESG and why
does this matter?
Our blog on ESG reporting explores the latest emerging trends for tackling these issues. It gives details of our ESG benchmark of best practice which we use to help companies assess how ESG targets are set, measured and reported on. It explores the key areas that need to be measured and managed and how to go about this.

Read our blog on ESG reporting
5 white stars

“European investment advisers who have traditionally focused on the environmental side are increasingly also prioritising social issues”

2022 Future Focus Survey – J.P Morgan Asset Management; October 2022.

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