Environmental governance and risk management

In recent years, ESG matters have taken centre stage in the corporate world, particularly as global concern over the climate crisis grows. Organisations are increasingly under pressure from regulators, stakeholders, and consumers to manage environmental issues effectively.

worker looking at a tablet device with lorry in the background
two whales swimming

Companies now face heightened demands to disclose their environmental impacts, making the reporting of material environmental impacts, metrics, strategies and transition plans essential. As such, companies need clear and comparable data, yet it requires robust structures and processes to facilitate the collection, understanding and analysis of environmental performance.

GoodCorporation provides a range of services to help businesses identify, implement and monitor responsible environmental management practices, helping them to improve their environmental performance to drive positive change in their organisation and in the wider world.

Our environmental governance and management services

GoodCorporation helps organisations develop policies and processes to facilitate the identification, management and monitoring of any environmental impacts resulting from their activities, not just in their own operations, but in those of their business partners.

We offer bespoke methodologies for analysing practice and procedure; this includes the use of face-to-face interviews with senior management, employees and various stakeholders, from suppliers to customers, to assess environmental performance on the ground.

Our services include:

Worker shovelling product into a filtering truck
birds eye view of a power station

Manging environmental impacts

In a world facing rising global temperatures, mass depletion of resources and a dangerous decline of biodiversity, businesses cannot ignore their impact on the environment. Integrating environmental considerations into business strategies has become a regulatory obligation for larger businesses, a strategic necessity for many and a key aspect of responsible corporate behaviour.

Work with GoodCorporation’s Environment Framework to develop sustainability strategies and environmental management practices that align with global environmental standards and legislation.

GoodCorporation logo in lime green

Environment framework

The GoodCorporation Environment Framework provides set of responsible practices and procedures to help improve the robustness of any organisation’s environmental performance management.

It can be used to design or evaluate how environmental topics are managed as a whole or how specific issues are treated – such as greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity impact, water use and land use for example. Use of the framework can also help organisations develop their sustainability strategies and embed environmental best practices into their business strategy.

For organisations looking to develop an environmental roadmap, the framework can be used as a tool to perform a gap analysis against their current environmental management practices, enabling strengths and areas for improvement to be identified. As a high-level environment governance referential, it offers non-technical guidance to support organisations in managing their environmental responsibilities with regards to setting targets, improving environmental performance and meeting reporting requirements.

GoodCorporation framework graphic in lime green

our Framework

Environment framework

the exterior of an office building with trees outside it

Ensuring compliance with environmental legislation | Case study

GoodCorporation was asked by a leading provider of IT infrastructure services to conduct a comprehensive review of its environmental obligations in law. This included a review of current and future legislative requirements in the different jurisdictions in which the company operated, together with a gap analysis of the company’s environmental legal compliance with recommendations to address any gaps identified. 

This would ensure that the company gained clear oversight of its environmental responsibilities in law and would be prepared for the changing legislative landscape which is placing ever greater demands on businesses to account for their environmental impacts. From project scope to the evaluation method undertaken, click the link below to find out more about our work on this project.


Building an effective environmental strategy

In today’s corporate landscape, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations have emerged as pivotal factors influencing business success. With sustainability now a focal point in business, driven by global imperatives and stakeholder expectations, organisations are increasingly integrating ESG principles into their strategies.

The urgency surrounding environmental issues in particular, exacerbated by the climate crisis, has propelled companies to disclose and manage their environmental impacts more transparently. Despite challenges such as knowledge gaps and regulatory complexities, developing robust ESG strategies has become not just a matter of compliance, but a strategic imperative for businesses aiming to thrive in a socially and environmentally conscious market. To learn more about how to develop an environmental strategy, click the link below to read our blog on the topic.

Read our blog

Building an effective environmental strategy

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Man on a tablet device smiling

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