Anti-bribery and corruption digital assessment

Companies are under growing pressure to ensure that adequate procedures to prevent corruption are firmly in place, not just across their own organisation, but in subsidiaries and throughout the supply chain. With many businesses dependent on a complex web of suppliers and third parties, this can be both daunting and challenging.

To help businesses meet these demands, GoodCorporation has developed a digital self-assessment tool that can be deployed cost-effectively by legal and compliance teams across supply chains, partners or subsidiaries. It provides a fast and easy means of properly testing the effectiveness of anti-bribery practices and procedures.

Man working on codes at his computer

How can a digital assessment help manage corruption risks?

GoodCorporation’s digital assessment tool provides an excellent starting point for any third party anti-bribery and corruption compliance programme. It comprises a customised questionnaire based on our Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) Framework that can be used internally or deployed across supply chains, partners or subsidiaries to check that adequate procedures to prevent corruption are in place. Such in-depth due diligence can help protect reputation and reduce the risk of prosecution or malpractice.

Man laughing with his colleagues while working at his desk
graphic of a computer screen showing the GCAP dashboard

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Proprietary grading algorithms are deployed to enable the digital assessment to generate a bespoke report that provides:

Blue 1 Tag

An overview of existing compliance levels

Blue 2 Tag

Gap identification

Blue 3 Tag

Recommendations for improvement

Green 4 Tag

Benchmarking data

Use of this anti-bribery and corruption digital assessment tool facilitates in-depth supply chain due diligence by providing an evaluation of the adequacy of the anti-corruption compliance programmes of third parties and related entities. It also provides benchmarking data to help companies monitor corruption risks in their supply chain effectively.

a busy office

An online anti-bribery and corruption due diligence tool tailored to your needs and risk profile

Designed to be easily and cost-effectively deployed by compliance and legal teams across:

Participating companies complete a detailed questionnaire on key ABC areas including:

Questions follow a simple multiple choice format based on GoodCorporation’s ABC framework.

A full report of results and benchmarked data is produced for participating organisations, to assess compliance against the GoodCorporation framework.

It highlights gaps, red flags and the extent to which adequate policies and procedures are in place.

A summary report is also available providing client companies with a benchmarked comparative analysis of the suppliers, subsidiaries or partners assessed.

GoodCorporation’s online reports provide a score card with four grades alongside specific recommendations for improvement.

If necessary, many of the recommendations can be addressed using GoodCorporation’s Compliance Toolkit which offers a suite of resources that compliance teams can use to strengthen their programmes.

A third party report will identify higher risk third parties to enable risks to be prioritised.

graphic of a computer screen showing the GCAP dashboard

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Key features of the anti-bribery
and corruption digital assessment tool

helps organisations comply with anti-corruption laws that require companies to have adequate procedures in place throughout the supply chain

provides a fast and simple way to check the corruption risks in existing and potential suppliers, partners and subsidiaries

Assesses actual rather than reported performance to give detailed insight into an organisation’s ABC compliance programme

Provides practical and actionable recommendations for improvement to reduce gaps in compliance programmes

Both the questionnaire and subsequent report can be customised to include the company logo or any specific business or industry terms

Offers a verifiable understanding of the effectiveness of an organisations anti-corruption policies and procedures

Provides evidence of due diligence undertaken, demonstrating insight and control over global third party relationships to help deter bribery and provide a level playing field for suppliers

Offers different price points and packages to enable organisations to select the model that meets their budget and needs, dramatically reducing the cost from the traditional consultancy model

Allows organisations to complete the assessment at a time of their choosing that works around internal projects and deadlines

Developed using GoodCorporation’s 20+ years of experience in the field of anti-corruption, compliance and ethics

GoodCorporation report graphic
GoodCorporation report graphic

Graded report with recommendations for improvement produced

All participants receive a detailed report including a scorecard rating the adequacy of the anti-bribery procedures assessed. The report is broken down by topic area making it easy to identify and prioritise the key risks.

Results from the questionnaire are broken down into four different categories:

Specific recommendations are included to help companies build a roadmap for improvement when action is needed. Benchmarked data is provided to help organisations compare levels of adequacy within their supply chains. The benchmark contains a gaps and risk analysis to help organisations evaluate and monitor supply chain risks in order to prioritise mitigation measures in the highest risk areas.


Tailored anti-bribery and corruption assessments to suit your organisation

Two types of assessment are available, verified and unverified, to suit organisational and budgetary requirements. For organisations deploying this across third parties, there is a secondary report providing a benchmarked summary of all assessed organisations.

happy man working at a cafe looking at his phone
graphic of a computer screen showing the GCAP dashboard

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Book a demo to see how GCAP could help with your ethics and compliance programme.

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