Update Summer 2010
GoodCorporation completes revisions to Standard
GoodCorporation has completed its triennial review of the GoodCorporation Standard, ensuring that the Standard provides the most up-to-date and relevant measurement of responsible business practice.
Since its launch in 2001, GoodCorporation has completed almost 400 assessments in more than 40 countries. From these assessments, GoodCorporation has an in-depth understanding of management practice standards across a variety of industries and a database of responsible practice statistics. This provides GoodCorporation with an unrivalled facility to benchmark its clients against best practice within their sector, reinforcing GoodCorporation’s position as an authority on responsible management practice and business ethics.
The structure of the Standard remains the same, but following industry-wide consultation, a number of small changes have been made.
“We feel it is essential to review the Standard every three years to enable our assessments to remain concurrent with developments in responsible business practice. All changes are approved by the Institute of Business Ethics providing additional authority to a now internationally recognised assessment of responsible management practice,” said GoodCorporation’s Michael Littlechild.
GoodCorporation supports St Paul's Institute
GoodCorporation has been asked to be a contributor to St Paul’s Institute, an initiative working out of St Paul’s Cathedral, which brings Christian ethics to bear on our understanding of finance and economics.
Of this new initiative, Archbishop Rowan Williams said:
“An ethical approach to economics requires us to move away from the illusion that economics can be considered separately from questions of the health and well-being of the society we inhabit… So I welcome the continuing focus St Paul’s Institute brings to these issues by providing a challenging and well-resourced space for conversation and I wish the Institute every success in this new phase of its work.”
Recently re-launched by Canon Chancellor, Giles Fraser, St Paul’s Institute will contribute to current discussion surrounding our financial and economic institutions. In addition to this wider remit, the Institute will cover more specific topics such as global poverty, business ethics and climate change.
By bringing together prominent Christians and finance professionals, St Paul’s Institute will foster an informed response to the most vital questions surrounding financial integrity, ethics and the economy. The website includes videos of events and interviews, as well as numerous articles and opinion pieces updated regularly.
In addition to the main website, a number of events will be hosted that seek to engage directlywith the City of London on all of the issues highlighted above. The most recent event – a lecture and Q&A by prominent writer Niall Ferguson (Harvard Professor and author of The Ascent of Money) – proved to be a magnificent success and filled St Paul’s Cathedral to capacity. Leo Martin’s review of this event can be seen here.
To learn more about St Paul’s Institute please visit www.stpaulsinstitute.org.uk
In Brief...
GoodCorporation extends its range of management audits
With good governance and responsible management under increasing scrutiny, GoodCorporation has extended its range of services to enable businesses to measure, manage and implement greater corporate responsibility.
The portfolio of audits now available will enable organisations to audit key areas of management practice in depth. Bespoke audits for codes of conduct are now available, as are audits of anti-corruption policies, Treating Customers Fairly programmes, large construction projects and due diligence of intermediaries.
GoodCorporation interviews Edgar Tellez from GE Capital
Edgar Tellez, experienced Head of Compliance in the Latin American Financial Services sector has been working alongside GoodCorporation to conduct a major stakeholder audit for one of GoodCorporation’s international clients in Mexico.
Update caught up with him to find out his views of the audit process.
To read the interview in full, click here
GoodCorporation completes first New Zealand assessment
GoodCorporation has completed its first accreditation in New Zealand, awarding affiliate status to leading carpet manufacturer Cavalier Bremworth. Cavalier Bremworth chose to undertake GoodCorporation’s assessment in a move to demonstrate that the company’s management practices and policies lived up to to the highest ethical standards.
GoodCorporation leads debate on ISO 26000
Due to be launched later this year, the ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Standard has so far received mixed reviews from experts and business leaders. The UN’s John Rugge welcomed the human rights aspects, but others have criticised it for being too complex and beyond the reach of SMEs and even some multinationals.
GoodCorporation hosted a debate on ISO 2600, inviting Corporate Responsibility Experts from some of the UK’s leading companies and organisations to share their views on its likely impact.
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