Business ethics debate articles

House of lords and big ben

The ECCTA: Navigating the identification doctrine and the failure to prevent fraud offence 

Since its introduction, the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act (ECCTA) has ushered in significant changes… anti-corruption, fraud, fraud prevention

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Is the board on board with ESG? If not, what, if anything, should be done?

Despite new European Union legislation governing ESG disclosure and due diligence beginning to take effect… ESG

big ben and the house of lords

Will the CSDDD push businesses to codify good behaviour in their supply chains and how can this be achieved? 

Having finally cleared a number of last-minute hurdles, the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive… CS3D, ESG, human rights

big ben and the house of lords

Is mandatory social and environmental due diligence coming to the UK?

In the week after the European Council finally agreed to progress the Corporate Sustainability Due… ESG, human rights

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Who’s afraid of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive?

On 14 December 2023, the European Parliament, Council (member states) and Commission reached a provisional deal on the EU Corporate… ESG, business ethics, human rights

houses of parliament

How will the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act and the ‘failure to prevent fraud’ offence work in practice?

Fraud is the most common offence in the UK, consisting of 41% of all reported… GoodCorporation, anti-corruption, business ethics, fraud prevention

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

ESG and the increasing risk of greenwashing 

Accusations of greenwashing – a term which refers to unsubstantiated, misleading, or incomplete assertions regarding… business ethics, debate, greenwashing

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Will ESG demands mean that due diligence in the value chain changes radically? 

A combination of forthcoming legislation, increasing investor demands and societal pressure means that a business’s… ESG, business ethics

houses of parliament

Why have so many companies updated their code of conduct since Covid?

Research from GoodCorporation revealed that there has been a fifty percent increase in the number… business ethics, code of conduct

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

How should corporates respond to the significant increase in human rights legislation?

With the increase in emerging human rights legislation, notably the proposed EU Corporate Sustainability Due… GoodCorporation, business ethics, human rights, human rights legislation

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Who is responsible for driving ethics in engineering?

In the last of our 2022 debates at the House of Lords, Baroness Brown of Cambridge… GoodCorporation, business ethics, engineering, ethics in engineering

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Deglobalisation: is it driving a new wave of corruption? 

  Andrew Feinstein, Executive Director at Shadow World Investigations opened the debate with his analysis… Bribery Act, anti-corruption, corruption

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Is legislation making whistleblowing the norm and not the exception in business?

With the EU Whistleblowing Directive now in force and likely to impact the thousands of… EU whistleblowing directive, GoodCorporation, Whistleblowing, business ethics, whistleblowing legislation

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Should companies have a head of human rights?

Baroness Young hosted our second House of Lords debate this year and began by sharing… GoodCorporation, business ethics, human rights

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

How should organisations respond to the changing corruption landscape?

GoodCorporation’s first debate of 2020, introduced by Ed Wheatley, Legal Director ABC Compliance, TechnipFMC, explores… anti-bribery procedures, anti-corruption, anti-corruption policies

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Is ESG a ‘nice to have’ or an integral part of corporate strategy?

GoodCorporation was delighted to welcome Dame Helena Morrissey to the House of Lords to open… ESG

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Is business taking human rights more seriously?

GoodCorporation welcomed John Morrison, Chief Executive of the Institute for Human Rights to lead our… ESG

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Preventing tax evasion – why companies need to do more

Lord Bilimoria, host of our summer 2019 ethics debate, introduced the discussion by affirming the…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Debate summary: Can companies really measure and report on culture?

With the revised Corporate Governance Code imposing new requirements on boards to assess the culture…

woman using a laptop and a phone at the same time, the laptop has the text 'data protection' on it and the phone has a phone image connecting to the cloud

The impact of GDPR and the key challenges for organisations operating in the international arena

GoodCorporation’s data protection debate was opened by Amanda Williams, Director of Strategic Policy (Parliamentary and…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

How will the anti-corruption prosecution landscape develop in 2019?

Christine Braampskamp, partner at Jenner & Block opened our debate on the evolving anti-corruption prosecution…

hammer coming down on the word 'corruption'

The changing landscape of anti-corruption prosecution

Lisa Osofsky, Director of the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) opened GoodCorporation’s latest debate on anti-corruption…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Bullying and harassment in the workplace

Why are bullying and harassment still issues in the workplace and what can companies do…

Modern architecture structure under blue sky

How French companies are dealing with France’s anti-bribery law: what are the challenges in practice?

Our seventh business ethics debate in Paris focused on the challenges French companies are facing…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

How can corporate culture be measured?

With poor corporate culture perceived to be a business risk in itself, what should companies be…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

How will the ICO police the GDPR in practice and how can companies demonstrate adequate procedures to avoid sanctions?

Against a backdrop of data protection headlines, Jonathan Bamford, Head of Parliament and Government Affairs…

Justice statue with scales in law library

The future of anti-corruption prosecution

David Green, Director of the SFO opened our first business ethics debate of 2018 by…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

How can speak-up systems be truly effective in complex global organisations?

GoodCorporation Business Ethics debate at the House of Lords – debate summary Building a truly…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

How will the Criminal Finances Act change the corporate legal landscape and what compliance challenges does it bring?

The debate began with an overview of the significant new powers and changes brought about…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Will the Modern Slavery Act (MSA) help reduce modern slavery and how can companies be really effective in reducing their risks in their supply chain?

In leading GoodCorporation’s modern slavery debate James Ewins QC was asked to interrogate the impact…

big ben and the house of lords

Corruption, DPAs and the prosecution landscape

Introducing GoodCorporation’s anti-corruption debate, Lord Gold began by affirming that the primary role of the…

House of lords and big ben

How can companies overcome the compliance challenges of the GDPR?

Richard Brearley, head of compliance (EMEA) at Macquarie led our debate on the General Data…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

What are the adequate procedures required for safeguarding and why do organisations find this such a challenge?

Sir Roger Singleton, former chief executive of Barnardo’s and a leading adviser to the Government…

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Do we really know what adequate procedures look like and will they actually prevent bribery?

Dan Silver, Global Functions and Compliance Officer for Shell, but speaking in a personal capacity,…

big ben and the house of lords

Are Dutch companies doing enough to combat corruption?

With its fifth position in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, a measure of the perceived…

big ben and the house of lords

If ethical culture is so important, why is measuring it such a challenge?

Businesses have long focussed on financial analysis as a means of measuring success and demonstrating…

big ben and the house of lords

Protecting personal data: how can businesses ensure they have adequate procedures?

The digitisation of our personal information has made that data vulnerable: as HMRC found out…

big ben and the house of lords

Anti-bribery and corruption in 2016: the increasingly global context

Robert Barrington, executive director of Transparency International opened our debate on the international anti-corruption landscape…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Sports Governance: what does good look like and are sports governing bodies doomed to fail?

GoodCorporation’s first Business Ethics Debate of 2016 began with the suggestion that sport’s governing bodies…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Why do good companies behave badly?

The debate began by asking what we mean by a ‘good’ company? In English, ‘good’…

big ben and the house of lords

Are businesses doing enough to minimise human rights abuses and will the Modern Slavery Act make a difference?

Frances House, Deputy Executive Director of the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) introduced…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Can the pharma industry achieve transparency with self-regulated disclosure?

Karen Borrer, Head of Reputation at the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), opened…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Big Businesses face Big Risks: how should global companies tackle the problem?

The debate began with the suggestion that one way to minimise the risks is for…

big ben and the house of lords

Are businesses losing the fight against corruption

Andrew Feinstein, founder of Corruption Watch UK, author and former ANC MP opened GoodCorporation’s summer…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

We are ethical … so why do we need compliance?

Few businesses, if any, ever set out to do the wrong thing, yet stories of…

big ben and the house of lords

Child Protection: how can businesses ensure robust and adequate procedures?

The framework for protecting children in the UK is firmly rooted in legislation, policy and…

big ben and the house of lords

Can businesses operate ethically in the Middle East?

A group of senior figures from a cross-section of multinational organisations joined GoodCorporation for the…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Can an ethical culture prevent anti-competitive behaviour?

GoodCorporation asked the newly formed Competition and Markets Authority to lead our May Business Ethics… anti competitive behaviour, antitrust, company reputation, repetitional damage, strong values, treating customers fairly, unethical conduct

big ben and the house of lords

The challenges of ethics and compliance in EPC

Nathalie Louys, General Counsel of Subsea 7 led GoodCorporation’s Business Ethics Debate on ethics and…

big ben and the house of lords

Restoring Trust in Business

GoodCorporation invited Charles Wookey from A Blueprint for Better Business to lead our most recent…

big ben and the house of lords

The practicalities of managing corruption risks in the extractives industry

Fraud and corruption have long been problem areas for businesses in the extractive sector. As…

big ben and the house of lords

Prosecution and enforcement of the UK Bribery Act

David Green CB QC, Director of the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), was invited to lead…

big ben and the house of lords

Are business ethics getting worse?

Our business ethics debate opened with the suggestion that on a scale of 0-100, where…

big ben and the house of lords

Anti-Corruption Due Diligence – Part 2

Anti-corruption due diligence is proving to be one of the most challenging areas of Bribery…

big ben and the house of lords

Anti-Corruption Due Diligence – Part 1

Anti-corruption Due Diligence GoodCorporation began the first Business Ethics Debate of 2013 with an assessment…

big ben and the house of lords

Are business ethics becoming more important?

The debate began with a board-level view stating that in the past five years the…

Can defence companies create a strong ethical corporate culture?

Before taking a closer look at the ethical challenges, GoodCoporation’s Business Ethics Debate began with…

big ben and the house of lords

Does running a business ethically add value or cost?

GoodCorporation’s second Business Ethics Debate to be held in Paris looked at whether or not…

Big ben and the houses of parliament

The Bribery Act 12 Months on

When the Bribery Act became law last summer, it represented the first major change to…

Anti-Corruption Due Diligence

Introduction: Due diligence is proving to be one of the more challenging areas of Anti-Corruption…

Do businesses have a duty to protect Human Rights?

GoodCorporation’s debate on Human Rights and Business began with a reminder that history is littered with…

Ethics versus Compliance – London debate

After a brief reminder of the meaning of Ethics and Compliance, GoodCorporation’s guest speaker went…

Ethics in the Pharmaceutical sector

At the first GoodCorporation debate on ethics in the pharmaceutical sector the issues of compliance,…

Ethics versus Compliance – Paris Debate

This September, GoodCorporation held its first debate on business ethics in Paris. It was attended…

Prosecution and Adequate Procedures

Now that the Ministry of Justice has published its guidance on the Bribery Act, the…

Adequate Procedures under the Bribery Act

Opinion has been divided about the Bribery Act since it was passed at the end…

Ethics in the Construction Industry

Representatives from some of the world’s leading construction companies met at the House of Lords…

What will constitute Adequate Procedures?

Earlier this year the UK updated its anti-bribery laws with the passing of the Bribery…

Ethical Challenges in the Extractives Sector

Businesses in the extractive industry work in some of the world’s most challenging ethical environments. …

ISO26000 – What difference will it make?

With the new ISO 26000 social responsibility standard due to be launched later this year,…

The Bribery Bill – How should businesses respond?

On a day when fears were raised that the Bribery Bill may be derailed or…

Are financial services companies Treating Customers Fairly?

Despite the FSA’s attempts to implement its Treating Customers Fairly programme, complaints about the way…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Can multinationals operate ethically in emerging markets?

Andrew Feinstein, an elected member of the first ANC parliament, introduced GoodCorporation’s debate on the…

Can Carbon Reduction Schemes Really Work?

Despite the considerable amount of airtime devoted to climate change and its potentially devastating consequences,…

Are short-term profit targets bad for business?

At a debate organised by GoodCorporation and hosted by Baroness Sharp at the House of…

Can defence and security companies operate ethically?

With some of the biggest fines for corporate corruption imposed upon leading multinational defence companies,…

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