Le goodblog | read time: 1 min
Confidentiality is defined by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) as “ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorised to have access”. A dictionary definition tells you that something ‘confidential’ is written, spoken or acted on ‘in strict privacy’.
At GoodCorporation we conduct some 3,000 interviews a year with staff, shareholders, customers, suppliers and community members. While the information these interviews provide produces invaluable stakeholder feedback for our clients, they are conducted in the strictest confidentiality. Our auditing process relies entirely on our ability to guarantee anonymity. Keeping schtum is, or at least should be, the easy part as far as tackling bullying is concerned. The bigger challenge is often to help the victim to address the issue in his or her workplace.
GoodCorporation regularly come across examples of corporate bullying. We know just how stressful and damaging that experience can be. It is absolutely crucial that anyone wanting to provide support to victims sets up a process where confidentiality is hardwired into its systems and processes.
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