two men in hard hats on a construction site
sewing workshop

Human Rights and Modern Slavery Framework

GoodCorporationโ€™s framework on human rights is based on emerging international best practice. It was developed with reference to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, The UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework, The Modern Slavery Act and The ILO Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

It covers three key areas: the governance and management of human rights, respecting labour rights and respecting community rights.

The Framework on the Governance and Management of Human Rights covers the structure, governance and management systems needed for a robust approach to identifying, minimising and remedying an organisationโ€™s human rights impacts.

Separate documents detail the practices needed to ensure that labour and community rights are protected and respected, with guidance on forced labour, supply chain management, child labour, access to land and the right to security.

They can be used to develop, embed or assess an organisationโ€™s approach to respecting human rights.


Areas covered by the framework
on the Governance and Management of Human Rights

GoodCorporation framework graphic in baby blue

Download our Human Rights Governance Framework

Areas covered by the framework
on the Community Rights

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Download our Community Rights Framework

Areas covered by the framework
on Labour Rights

Forced labour: the organisation has a policy prohibiting forced labour and takes steps to ensure that employees are free to leave at any time and that documents and wages are not withheld.

Child labour: the organisation has a clear policy regarding the minimum age for employment which complies with national law but is no less than 15 years old. There are processes to ensure age verification and that no employee under 18 is engaged in hazardous work.

Discrimination: the organisation has an equal opportunities policy which is supported in practice. Training on avoiding discrimination is provided and diversity promoted.

Gender equality and reproductive rights: the organisation does not impose mandatory pregnancy tests or discriminate against pregnant women in way. Access to maternity leave is granted in lines with national and international norms.

Harassment: the organisation has a policy prohibiting violence and harassment in the workplace. Training on workplace behaviour is provided and any cases properly addressed.

Freedom of association and collective bargaining: the organisation recognises freedom of association and collective bargaining. Employees are not prevented from joining trade unions or their activities and are allowed to discuss work issues freely where trade unions are not permitted.

Health and security: there is a policy on workplace health and safety. Risk assessments are conducted to ensure that a safe and healthy work, and, where relevant, living environment are provided.

Conditions of employment: there is a policy on working hours, conditions and leave in line with international standards. There is a process to monitor compliance with the policy to ensure there is no bullying, harassment, excessive working hours or other areas of poor practice.

Workersโ€™ grievance mechanism: there is a process for raising grievances or concerns that is accessible and communicated to workers. Investigations are impartial and confidentiality respected at all times.

Responsible purchasing: here is a process in place to ensure that the supplierโ€™s capacity to respect labour rights is assessed prior to entering a contractural relationship. Expectations of suppliers are regularly communicated and there are adequate contractural obligations in place in relation to labour rights throughout the supply chain.

GoodCorporation framework graphic in baby blue

Download our Labour Rights Framework