Category Archives: Press statements

Team meeting in modern office with city view.

Businesses failing to implement adequate procedures to prevent corruption

Three years after the UK Bribery Act came into force, businesses are still struggling to implement the procedures necessary to prevent corruption, with over a third of almost 3,000 anti-corruption controls assessed by GoodCorporation graded inadequate. This is one the findings, published ahead of the United Nation’s International Anti-Corruption Day (9/12/14), in a white paper…

Confident woman standing in office meeting room.

GoodCorporation response to consultation on zero hours contracts

Leo Martin, managing director of GoodCorporation said: “We fully support the proposal to remove exploitative clauses from zero hours contracts. Exclusivity clauses are clearly abusive as they prevent individuals from accessing the job market fully. The government should also be urging greater transparency on contractual arrangements as a recent ACAS study revealed that many employees  are…

Smiling man in glasses by window.

GoodCorporation response to Sir Richard Lambert’s Banking Standards Review

19 May 2014 Leo Martin, GoodCorporation director said: “It is absolutely right that the Banking Standards Review Council should focus on ethics and behaviour. The vast majority of the problems that have damaged the sector’s reputation have stemmed from malpractice and misconduct.  Establishing a body to define, advocate and embed high standards of good practice…

Person looking at a graph comparing statistics

GoodCorporation announces revised Business Ethics Standard

GoodCorporation has strengthened the human rights and working conditions sections of its responsible business framework, the GoodCorporation Business Ethics Standard. This development reflects the UK Governments Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, launched last year in response to the United Nation’s Guiding Principles on Human Rights. In its Action Plan, the Government states that…

man holding three wooden blocks, two have logos, one has the text 'compliance' on it

Banking Standards Review Consultation – GoodCorporation’s response

GoodCorporation has submitted the following response to the Banking Standards Review SUMMARY OF QUESTIONS Q1. Do you agree with the objective to establish a new independent organisation with the aim of defining and raising standards of conduct and competence in banking? We agree with the objective of creating an independent organisation to champion better banking…

A businessman with a laptop and his team are engaged in a finance discussion and project planning.

GoodCorporation has audited the first companies to receive the Banknote Ethics Initiative accreditation

GoodCorporation has audited the first companies to be accredited under the Banknote Ethics Initiative (BnEI). This initiative aims to raise standards across the banknote industry by requiring its members to follow a code of good practice developed by the Institute of Business Ethics. GoodCorporation translated that code into an audit framework and has also developed…

cityscape with ecological icons overlayed

Logistics companies exposed under UK Bribery Act

Logistics companies and their clients run the risk of prosecution under the Bribery Act. Research* carried out by business ethics experts GoodCorporation has revealed that twelve months after the Bribery Act was passed, a significant number of logistics companies appear to have insufficient procedures in place to prevent corruption, which puts themselves and their clients…

People in modern glass office meeting room

Government’s review of banks must avoid more rules

“If the government’s review of the banking industry, announced today, focuses on creating more rules it is destined to fail”, said Leo Martin of business ethics advisers GoodCorporation. “Scandals such as mis-selling and more recently LIBOR have been caused by poor behaviour rather than a lack of rules.  In order to avoid a repetition of…

Comment from GoodCorporation on collapse in SFO raids

Leo Martin of GoodCorporation said: “Britain will remain a soft touch for corporate corruption if the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) fails to demonstrate that it has an effective system in place for investigating those suspected of malpractice.   The passing of the Bribery Act last year should have made it easier for prosecutors to catch…