Category Archives: Papers and reports


Impact of Covid-19 on the UK workplace

To assess the impact of Covid-19 on the UK workplace, GoodCorporation commissioned Opinium to survey 2000 working adults designed to be representative of the UK working population. The survey examined how organisations have responded to the pandemic and in particular how well employees and other stakeholders were treated during the initial months of the crisis….

Inadequate procedures to prevent corruption mean businesses still at risk of prosecution

Many businesses are still struggling to put the right procedures in place to combat corruption, according to analysis of the GoodCorporation anti-corruption benchmark published in our latest report, Combating Corruption: businesses still at risk. Download our report to read the analysis in full. Having adequate procedures to prevent corruption is vital, not only to mitigate…

Combating corruption: are businesses doing enough?

Three years after the UK Bribery Act came into force, businesses are still struggling to implement the procedures necessary to prevent corruption, with over a third of almost 3,000 anti-corruption controls assessed by GoodCorporation graded inadequate. The GoodCorporation paper Combating corruption: are businesses doing enough? reveals that a number of the anti-bribery procedures recommended by…