Category Archives: Articles

Articles that GoodCorporation have added to give better insights to people.

Supreme Group awarded Investing in Integrity chartermark

Supreme Group, a global leader in the provision of end-to-end supply chain solutions, has been awarded the Investing in Integrity Chartermark following the successful completion of a rigorous assessment process. Investing in Integrity is a Chartermark founded in 2012 by the Institute of Business Ethics and the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment. Its purpose…

Stopping the Rot

With the Serious Fraud Office looking to tackle the “topmost tier of serious and complex fraud and bribery” Finance & Management Magazine for the ICAEW asked Michael Littlechild to look at the key issues for businesses surrounding the identification and  prevention of corporate fraud.   Stopping the Rot ICAEW Published in Finance & Management Magazine…

‘Better late than never’: Co-op Group votes in radical reforms

The Co-op Group has voted in radical governance reforms at its Special General Meeting, which is ‘better late than never’, according to a business academic. Speaking to Governance + Compliance, Professor of International and European Business Law at University of Hull, Christopher Bovis added: ‘A new start was long overdue and needed to restore investor…

Staking your reputation in the digital age

In these days of increasingly sophisticated social media it only takes one off-message supplier and a backpacker with a phone camera, to bring corporate reputations crashing down. So what steps can a responsible business take? Miranda Ingram reports. Smart companies have already made supply chains sustainable and are active in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), and…

Whistleblowing data should be reported says charity

Employers should share whistleblowing data in their annual reports to allow benchmarking, according to Public Concern at Work CEO Cathy James. She told HR magazine at a debate on business ethics organised by the GoodCorporation: “It’s a challenge for an organisation to see how it’s performing against its peers. Published: 20 March 2014

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BBC launches child protection policy review

        The BBC has launched a stand-alone investigation into its child protection and whistleblowing policies following delays to the Dame Janet Smith review. The corporation has commissioned business ethics specialists GoodCorporation to undertake the work, supported by child protection expert Moira Murray. Dame Janet’s team originally intended to carry out the assessment…