Category Archives: Articles

Articles that GoodCorporation have added to give better insights to people.

Zambian mining judgment calls for greater scrutiny of multinationals

A recent judgment allowing Zambian villagers to pursue their case against Vedanta Resources in the UK courts could have important implications for multinational companies doing business in Africa. In the latest issue of African Business, Michael Pollitt examines the issues, including a corporate’s ‘duty of care’ to the communities it affects, its responsibility for implementing…

Construction workers at sunrise with crane.

Crossing the line: how government is cracking down on construction corruption

A recent spate of director disqualifications in the construction sector by the Competition and Markets Authority has raised the spectre of corrupt behaviour once again. Building Magazine spoke to Leo Martin for its feature article on corrupt behaviour in the construction industry. Joey Gardiner asked how big a problem this really is and whether attitudes…

Diverse group of illustrated people standing together.

New culture requirements for Government suppliers

The UK Government has issued a long-anticipated update to its supplier code of conduct. Michael Pollitt explores the expectations the new code places on Government suppliers, in particular the need to demonstrate a better understanding of their organisational culture. The article, published in In-Procurement, examines the steps potential suppliers can take to assess and monitor…

man resting his hands on a barbed wire fence

Foreign Office raises the bar on Modern Slavery obligations

Suppliers to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) will be required to comply to a revised Supplier Code of Conduct which will form part of the standard conditions for FCO contracts valued in excess of £10,000. The new Code contains detailed and prescriptive instructions around the Department’s expectations around the corporate responsibility to manage human…