Archives par catégorie: Le goodblog

high angle of three business professionals having a meeting

The do’s and don’ts of workplace investigations

While the prospect of investigating colleagues may seem indicative of a poor or even toxic work culture, conducting internal investigations well is increasingly seen as critical for maintaining a healthy organisational culture. A well-managed internal investigation can help identify potential issues, uphold the organisation’s code of conduct and, most importantly, ensure regulatory compliance. When conducted…

two people having a meeting

The importance of effective internal investigations

Why organisations should avoid papering over the cracks Although the regulatory landscape and ethical considerations have put compliance and integrity on company agendas, no business – even one with the best compliance systems in place – is immune from wrongdoing, be It from senior managers, employees or third parties. Whether it be incidents of bribery…

mother and child working at a rice field

Why investing in women in the workplace matters 

Women account for almost 50% of the global workforce (47.7%), yet less than one third (27.1%) occupy managerial or leadership roles, while 48% occupy entry level positions and 23% work part-time compared to almost 30% of men. It is also well documented that, on average, women experience the adverse impacts of business activities disproportionately, are…

EU flags blowing in the wind

Can the CS3D be saved?

If the EU fails to pass the previously agreed Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) it would represent a major setback for the just transition to a lower carbon economy and greater corporate sustainability. After years of tripartite negotiations between the EU Parliament, the Commission and the Council, the CS3D is going through troubled times…

two people sat across form eachother at a desk, one interviewing the other in an investigation

Uncovering the Truth: Best Practices for Conducting Workplace Investigations

How a company responds to an allegation of misconduct is as crucial to its reputation as the alleged wrong-doing itself. Workplace investigations play a pivotal role in addressing concerns related to significant wrongdoing and misconduct, or ethical lapses. However, the skills required for effective workplace investigations are specific, often necessitating the creation of investigation guidelines…

Gavel hammering onto a stack of 100 Euro notes

EU Anti-Corruption Framework: What companies should expect from the EU Commission in 2024 

While the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) has received much-deserved attention from businesses, corporates should not overlook the important developments in anti-corruption regulation the Commission made during 2023 which will be pursued further this year.  On May 3rd, 2023, the EU Commission presented a new proposal to combat corruption. This followed on from…

Transparency International’s 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index: top trends companies need to know

On January 28, 2024, Transparency International, the world’s leading NGO in the fight against corruption, released its 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). The CPI has been published annually since 1995. It provides an annual comparative snapshot of 180 countries based on perceived levels of public sector corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys,…

Gavel on top of 2 books

Planning for the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D): what businesses need to do now to prepare 

In recent years, identifying and mitigating negative human rights and environmental risks and impacts has become an increasingly important priority for many organisations. While this has long been considered best practice, many of the regulatory requirements that have emerged have been open to interpretation. As a result, there has been considerable debate among environment and…

man clicking on a digitally created 2024

Key trends in ESG and corporate sustainability to look out for in 2024 

The continued prominence of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance factors) is starting to drive material change inside many corporates. This is being influenced by a number of issues the most important of which are increasing investor pressure and increased regulatory demands on corporates to meet society’s environmental and social concerns.  While we expect many developments…

COP28 UAE flag blowing in the wind

Why COP28 is about more than politics

The COP28 (2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference) kicked off on Thursday 30 November for 2 weeks. It brings together the signatories of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,  made up of 197 countries and the supranational European Union. The aim of this annual conference is for countries to agree on objectives and…