Category Archives: GoodBlog

hand holding a digital representation of a world with different symbols in it

Current trends in ethics and compliance

The start of 2023 has been overshadowed by significant economic fallout from the Ukraine war and the continuing impacts on supply-chains from China’s slow opening up, political concerns about China, the lingering impacts of Covid and, for us in the UK, Brexit. For ethics and compliance officers there is so much going on that it…


Assessing corruption risks to comply with international anti-bribery legislation

Risk is an inherent part of a business. It refers to the uncertainty, potential loss, or adverse outcomes a company may face due to its business activities. Businesses may encounter a variety of risks, including operational, behavioural, strategic, financial, legal, and reputational. However, there is one risk that encompasses all of these – corruption*. Bribery…

gavel on top of an open book

Requirements for businesses under emerging human rights legislation

As human rights legislation continues to evolve, businesses are under increasing pressure to identify and address any human rights impacts. As part of that process, businesses are being mandated to undertake human rights due diligence in an ever-growing number of jurisdictions. The pressure for human rights due diligence Human rights due diligence refers to the…

birds eye view of a world map edited into a forest

The corporate responsibility for managing climate change and human rights impacts

It is widely accepted that organisations have a duty to manage both their human rights and climate change impacts. This was reinforced when the United Nations Human Rights Council acknowledged the human right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment. To explore these issues in more detail, GoodCorporation consultant Lucie Bonpain, spoke to Anna…

workers sorting biscuits on a conveyer belt

How a Board should balance major strategic issues with staff retention and wellbeing’: An ICAEW podcast

GoodCorporation founder and director Leo Martin joined Peter van Veen, Director, Corporate Governance and Stewardship at the ICAEW and fellow panellists to discuss the role of the board in resolving ethical dilemmas where there is no clear solution. Their discussion explored the ways in which the board often needs to balance the strategic issues with…


Key steps to building an effective anti-corruption training programme

Over the last decade, legislators have been placing increasing demands on companies to build robust procedures to combat corruption, with potentially severe consequences for those that fail to respond. In our experience, companies that are struggling with anti-corruption compliance are often struggling with the more fundamental question of how to properly embed policies and procedures…

The evolution of ESG reporting

With a swathe of regulation coming into force, requiring businesses to demonstrate how environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are managed, companies are under increasing pressure to report on a wide range of areas, but without an agreed framework for doing so. As such there is considerable disparity between the reporting methodologies, particularly against social…

Two decades on – is business ethics changing corporate behaviour?

Have we really made any progress over the past two decades to improve corporate behaviour? Speaking at GoodCorporation’s 21st anniversary celebration at the House of Lords, Leo Martin was asked to reflect on what had happened over the last two decades, to consider whether business ethics is changing corporate behaviour and how it looks set…

a landscape that has been destroyed by pollution filled with rubbish

Implementing effective human rights and environmental due diligence legislation

The Norwegian Transparency Act which came into force last month requires certain companies to carry human rights due diligence to ensure they operate responsibly. This legislation is demanding, as it applies to Norwegian or foreign companies with operations in Norway that meet at least two of the following three criteria: They will also be required…

ESG puzzle

7 key steps for developing an effective ESG strategy

Companies are under greater scrutiny than ever before. It is widely accepted they have an impact on the planet that needs to be managed and a duty to those they work with or who are impacted by their activities. Investors, and now regulators, are demanding to see how these material issues are being managed, so…