Category Archives: Business Ethics Debates

big ben and the house of lords

Are businesses doing enough to minimise human rights abuses and will the Modern Slavery Act make a difference?

Frances House, Deputy Executive Director of the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) introduced GoodCorporation’s Business Ethics Debate on Business and Human Rights with an overview of the work of the IHRB and a recap of the Modern Slavery Act. The Institute of Human Rights and Business is a “think and do” tank with…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Can the pharma industry achieve transparency with self-regulated disclosure?

Karen Borrer, Head of Reputation at the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), opened GoodCorporation’s autumn Business Ethics Debate with an overview of the disclosure requirements, from June 2016, regarding transfers of value made to healthcare professionals (HCPs) during 2015. This comes in response to worldwide societal expectations of greater transparency across all industries….

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Big Businesses face Big Risks: how should global companies tackle the problem?

The debate began with the suggestion that one way to minimise the risks is for organisations to work together to take industry-wide action (collective action) that sets the standards for good conduct in a particular sector. Antti Heinonen, chairman of the Banknote Ethics Initiative (BnEI) and a former director of the European Central Bank opened…

big ben and the house of lords

Are businesses losing the fight against corruption

Andrew Feinstein, founder of Corruption Watch UK, author and former ANC MP opened GoodCorporation’s summer Business Ethic’s Debate with an assessment of the global corruption landscape, looking at the areas where significant improvements have been made and highlighting the problems that must still be overcome. On the plus side, tougher new legislation such as the…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

We are ethical … so why do we need compliance?

Few businesses, if any, ever set out to do the wrong thing, yet stories of prosecutions and fines continue to hit the headlines. GoodCorporation’s Spring Business Ethics Debate at the House of Lords looked at the relationship between ethics and compliance raising the question, “We are ethical so why do we need compliance?” One standard…

big ben and the house of lords

Child Protection: how can businesses ensure robust and adequate procedures?

The framework for protecting children in the UK is firmly rooted in legislation, policy and principles and there are people employed throughout the public sector to ensure that the law is adhered to and policies are implemented. However, as leading child protection expert Moira Murray said, as she opened up the discussion, safeguarding children is…

big ben and the house of lords

Can businesses operate ethically in the Middle East?

A group of senior figures from a cross-section of multinational organisations joined GoodCorporation for the Autumn Business Ethics Debate at the House of Lords. With the Middle East rarely off the front pages, we posed the question, “Can businesses operate ethically in the Middle East?” With five countries in the region (Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Iraq…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Can an ethical culture prevent anti-competitive behaviour?

GoodCorporation asked the newly formed Competition and Markets Authority to lead our May Business Ethics Debate at the House of Lords on the subject of ethical culture and competition. The discussion began with some of the opposing arguments. It costs time and money to instil an ethical approach if you don’t already have one. Businesses…

big ben and the house of lords

The challenges of ethics and compliance in EPC

Nathalie Louys, General Counsel of Subsea 7 led GoodCorporation’s Business Ethics Debate on ethics and compliance in EPC at the House of Lords on April 2nd. The discussion focussed on Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) compliance and looked at the pressures on contractors to comply with Adequate Procedures. The key issues: Prescriptive compliance clauses: Clients increasingly…

big ben and the house of lords

Restoring Trust in Business

GoodCorporation invited Charles Wookey from A Blueprint for Better Business to lead our most recent Business Ethics Debate which posed the question “How can we restore trust in business?” Charles began by questioning the widely accepted philosophy that business is simply about profit and legality. If the only question that matters is “Is it legal…