Testing data protection procedures in multinationals

GoodCorporation worked closely with a number of clients to help with their GDPR preparations using our Data Protection Framework to assess the effectiveness of their systems and procedures.

For an international transportation company we undertook a GDPR gap analysis and developed a strategic plan to assist with company-wide preparations. Interviews were conducted across the key markets to gain a thorough understanding of how personal data was gathered, stored and used. A group-wide data map was produced and a gap analysis against our framework was carried out. This led to the development of a GDPR action plan which was followed to help the company ensure it was GDPR compliant.

Working in-house for the UK arm of a global telecom group, we were able to manage privacy impact assessments, privacy notice updates, consent reviews and personal data mapping.

GoodCorporation has a very clear framework which is easy to understand and easy to sell to the board.

GoodCorporation client survey, 2018

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