Author Archives: goodcorporation

What’s next for the banking sector?

If Bob Diamond’s resignation is “the first step towards a culture of responsibility” in the UK’s banking industry, what is the second? Any suggestion that it should be more rules is erroneous; there are already plenty with expensive compliance departments trying to enforce them. Scandals such as mis-selling and LIBOR have been caused by poor…

GoodCorporation Business Ethics Debate Series: Due Diligence March 29 2012

Due diligence is proving to be one of the more challenging areas of Anti-Corruption management. Both the UK Bribery Act and the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) have required businesses to focus their attention in this area. In 2011, every FCPA/SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission) investigation involved the payment of bribes via third…

Ethics vs Compliance?

The most recent GoodCorporation debate at the House of Lords contemplated the roles of ethics and compliance in today’s corporations. Our guest speaker began by suggesting that there is a tendency to separate the two into distinct business areas; with ethics leaning towards corporate responsibility, while compliance focuses on legal obligations. Albert Camus once said;…

Could Corporate Responsibility be the key to growth?

With economic forecasts bearing an uncanny similarity to our dismal UK weather, business attention, not surprisingly, is being focused on surviving the recession. Budgets are being squeezed, growth is slow and jobs are in the balance. At times like these, businesses tend to focus on the ‘must haves’ rather than the ‘nice to have’ and…