Author Archives: goodcorporation

What will constitute Adequate Procedures?

Earlier this year the UK updated its anti-bribery laws with the passing of the Bribery Bill.  Since then, businesses have been awaiting guidance on the new legislation from the Ministry of Justice, specifically on Adequate Procedures, the only defence against a charge of corporate corruption. At a recent House of Lords debate, GoodCorporation invited senior…

Ethical Challenges in the Extractives Sector

Businesses in the extractive industry work in some of the world’s most challenging ethical environments.  Representatives from some of the leading companies in this field discussed the ethical challenges their businesses face at a recent debate held by GoodCorporation at the House of Lords. The debate began with an introduction from one of the leading…

ISO26000 – What difference will it make?

With the new ISO 26000 social responsibility standard due to be launched later this year, GoodCorporation invited CR specialists from some of the UK’s leading companies and organisations to debate its likely impact. The debate began with an overview from the guest speaker of what the Standard might achieve.  He began with a note of…

The Bribery Bill – How should businesses respond?

On a day when fears were raised that the Bribery Bill may be derailed or dramatically watered down, senior business leader and NGOs debated the likely impact of the Bill on businesses in Britain. The debate began with a summary of the circumstances most likely to lead to corruption.  Globally, bribery occurs most often post…

Are financial services companies Treating Customers Fairly?

Despite the FSA’s attempts to implement its Treating Customers Fairly programme, complaints about the way banks, building societies and other lenders treat their mortgage customers, rose by 40 per cent in the six month period from April to October ’09.  In light of such figures, GoodCorporation’s most recent debate at the House of Lords asked…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

Can multinationals operate ethically in emerging markets?

Andrew Feinstein, an elected member of the first ANC parliament, introduced GoodCorporation’s debate on the problems facing multinationals operating in emerging markets. He began by reminding delegates that South Africa has only been a democracy for 15 years.  During that time it has made remarkable progress and is a fundamentally better country.  However, as an…

Can Carbon Reduction Schemes Really Work?

Despite the considerable amount of airtime devoted to climate change and its potentially devastating consequences, we have been long on pledges and promises but rather short on solutions. At our most recent debate at the House of Lords, GoodCorporation invited business leaders, government departments and NGOs to discuss the UK’s Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC). Paul…

Are short-term profit targets bad for business?

At a debate organised by GoodCorporation and hosted by Baroness Sharp at the House of Lords on 20th May 2009, Will Hutton, Vice-Chair of the Work Foundation spoke on corporate governance and corporate responsibility. Will said that companies need to have a much clearer statement of their purpose that should be challenged and agreed by…