Archives par auteur goodcorporation


National employee survey uncovers key weaknesses in UK workplace culture

“Businesses need a better understanding of their company culture to avoid reputational risk” say responsible business experts GoodCorporation Over a quarter of the UK workforce believe their managers would bend the rules if necessary to get the job done, according to a survey by Opinium for business ethics advisers GoodCorporation, published today. The survey also…

blue toy VW van upside down in a puddle with a reflection of the van the right way round

Nurturing a good culture can actively reduce business risk

Businesses should actively promote ethical decision-making if they truly want to reduce the risk of a Volkswagen-scale scandal. Writing in Ethical Corporation, Michael Pollitt argues that businesses need to ensure that the behaviours they promote are not just in line with company values, but that they actively promote ethical decision-making and good conduct. As countless…

The role of ESG in value creation

A corporate scandal can decimate share value, and not just in the immediate aftermath as the gory details hit the headlines. Shareholders in Volkswagen, Tesco, Toshiba and Rolls-Royce, all mired by significant wrong-doing, are still suffering damage some four years after the scandals emerged. The share price of all four companies is still 30-40 percentage…

man holding a chain pointing at a child who is hiding in the corner scared

Tackling slavery in the supply chain

Has the Government’s supplier code of conduct missed a trick in tackling slavery in the supply chain? The Supplier Code of Conduct, published recently by the UK Government’s Commercial Function contains several reasons to be optimistic. The standards it sets for suppliers to central government on world-class innovation, greater inclusion of SMEs, zero-tolerance of harassment and greater…

What can go wrong with third party due diligence?

Working with third parties continues to be the single biggest corruption risk for business. Almost one in two enforcement actions concluded since the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention came into force in 1999 was the result of bribery through sales agents, intermediaries, distributors or brokers. Despite the clear risk, it remains one of the hardest anti-corruption areas…

Big Ben with Westminster Palace under blue sky.

How will the ICO police the GDPR in practice and how can companies demonstrate adequate procedures to avoid sanctions?

Against a backdrop of data protection headlines, Jonathan Bamford, Head of Parliament and Government Affairs for the ICO opened GoodCorporation’s debate on GDPR enforcement by focussing on trust.  According to research by the ICO, in the UK, only 1 in 5 consumers trusts organisations with their personal data, despite data protection legislation being in force for…