Archives par auteur goodcorporation

Will the 2020s produce businesses that serve all stakeholders?

As we edge into the new decade will the talk of fairer economies, better business, saving the planet and tech for good turn into action?  2020 has already been hailed as the decade of delivery and in many ways, it needs to be. These themes formed the basis for discussion at the 2020 Economic Forum…

three toy figures placed on a pile of money

New report on business efforts to combat corruption rings alarm bells

Writing on the Ethical Corporation website, Gareth Thomas looks at the findings from GoodCorporation’s paper on the effectiveness of anti-bribery programmes in combating corruption. According to the paper, the risk of bribery is highest among third parties and intermediaries, yet due diligence in this area is worryingly low. Across the globe, governments and regulators are…

bio of Chloe Blais

Experts in compliance:Chloé Blais

Chloé Blais, co-director of GoodCorporation’s Paris office was interviewed by French Magazine Compliances. In the December issue, Chloé shares her views on compliance, the challenges it poses for businesses large and small, the lessons that can be learned by talking to those working on the ground and the differences between France and the UK when…

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Is ESG a ‘nice to have’ or an integral part of corporate strategy?

GoodCorporation was delighted to welcome Dame Helena Morrissey to the House of Lords to open our final debate of 2019 which posed the question, is ESG a ‘nice to have’ or integral to corporate strategy and business success? Dame Helena began by suggesting that ESG considerations are coming of age for the following reasons: However,…

Anti-bribery and corruption efforts ‘compromised’ by poor procedures

In the week that telecoms giant Ericsson was fined $1bn by US enforcers to settle bribery charges, Board Agenda reported on the findings of GoodCorporation’s paper Combating corruption: businesses still at risk. Of the 7,000 anti-corruption procedures assessed by GoodCorporation almost one third were found to be inadequate with over half (53%) of the due…

Inadequate procedures to prevent corruption mean businesses still at risk of prosecution

Many businesses are still struggling to put the right procedures in place to combat corruption, according to analysis of the GoodCorporation anti-corruption benchmark published in our latest report, Combating Corruption: businesses still at risk. Download our report to read the analysis in full. Having adequate procedures to prevent corruption is vital, not only to mitigate…

Businesses remain at risk from corruption and prosecution as prevention measures remain inadequate

Businesses are failing to understand the corruption risks their organisations face and are still struggling to put the right anti-bribery practices in place according to data compiled by GoodCorporation. These are just some of the findings in the latest paper Combating corruption: businesses still at risk, published by GoodCorporation, leading practitioners in measuring and assessing…