GoodCorporation Assessment Platform

A data-driven compliance solution

GCAP is a digital assessment tool that collates compliance data at speed, enabling companies to evaluate the performance of their ethics, compliance and sustainability programmes, not just in their own operations, but in subsidiaries, partners and supply chains, or in portfolio and investee companies.

graphic of a tablet screen showing the GCAP dashboard

Use of GCAP helps organisations build the robust ethics, compliance and sustainability systems they need and comply with growing legislative and stakeholder demands.

It can be used to assess whether effective controls and monitoring procedures are in place, and offers different layers of data verification to validate that the findings collected are robust.

Where gaps are identified, GCAP offers template policies, procedures, registers, training materials and other resources to help organisations take concrete steps to improve.

Gain insights into ethics, compliance and sustainability controls

GCAP can be used for internal organisational assessments or as a third-party monitoring tool, providing companies with:

graphic of a computer screen showing the GCAP dashboard

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Book a demo to see how GCAP could help with your ethics, compliance and sustainability programme.

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Evaluate the effectiveness of ethics, compliance and sustainability systems

GCAP takes users through a series of questions based on GoodCorporation’s recognised frameworks of ethics, compliance and sustainability best practice. Assessments can be customised as required, introducing tailor-made questions that relate to an organisation’s own internal policies, procedures and requirements.

Dashboard reporting provides
monitoring and metrics on compliance effectiveness

The GCAP dashboard can provide users with:

graphic of a laptop screen showing the GCAP dashboard

The GCAP report

What the GCAP report includes

pie chart

Overview of compliance performance and system effectiveness

Programme gap identification

Recommendations for improvement with prioritised action plan and optional access to template policies and tools for ease of implementation

Benchmarking data to facilitate comparison between entities for those organisations evaluating third parties

Verification layers

Companies can use the platform to obtain both verified and unverified assessments subject to compliance needs and budgets.

three squares in layers from dark blue to light blue
graphic of a stack of blocks spelling RISK

GCAP Benefits

Risk mitigation

Helps organisations identify high-risk third parties and other ethics and compliance risks across their operations, enabling companies to target resources efficiently, conduct risk-based due diligence in response to red flags raised and help ensure compliance with legislation that requires companies to have adequate procedures in place throughout the supply chain.

Cost effective

Offers different price points and packages to suit the needs and budgets of different organisations, reducing the cost of supplier management and other forms of third-party due diligence.

Raises standards

Provides practical recommendations for improvement, with a prioritised action plan, to reduce gaps in compliance programmes and optional access to template resources to help raise compliance standards to support smaller companies that may not have the resources for a compliance programme. Access to the GCAP library of best practice guidance and resources is also available.


Draws on GoodCorporation’s 25 years of experience evaluating ethics, compliance and sustainability programmes.

Verification options

Documentary evidence can be submitted for review to verify the answers given. Stakeholder surveys can be undertaken to provide an additional layer of validation.


Provides a fast and simple way to check the effectiveness of practices and procedures in a single entity or across multiple organisations in multiple geographies, can be completed online at any convenient time to work around projects and deadlines.


Provides evidence of due diligence undertaken to ensure compliance with legal requirements and international best practice.


Both the questionnaire and subsequent report can be customised to include the company logo or any specific business or industry terms. It can also be rolled out in multiple languages to suit global operations.

Risk mitigation

Helps organisations identify high-risk third parties and other ethics and compliance risks across their operations, enabling companies to target resources efficiently, conduct risk-based due diligence in response to red flags raised and help ensure compliance with legislation that requires companies to have adequate procedures in place throughout the supply chain.

Simple five-step process

graphic of a computer screen showing the GCAP dashboard

Book a demo

Book a demo to see how GCAP could help with your ethics, compliance and sustainability programme.

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two women looking at a tablet device and laughing

GCAP can be used for:

  • Comply with legislation focussed on supply chain transparency (CSDDD, German LkSG, Norwegian supply chain transparency act)
  • Raise supplier standards
  • Benchmark supply chain
  • Gather environmental, social and governance data on portfolio companies
  • Identify and mitigate any ESG risks in the portfolio
  • Obtain evidence of long-term sustainability
  • Greater understanding of regulatory compliance
  • Review standards and policy implementation to identify and mitigate risk of operations
  • Benchmark performance transparently across different organisations within the group
  • Understand corporate culture across different sites
  • Gain insight into third parties’ business ethics and compliance standards
  • Identify measurement metrics for on-going monitoring
  • Prevent reputational damage from malpractice
  • Adequacy assessment of ethics and compliance programmes
  • Gap analysis identifying areas for improvement with prioritised action plan
  • Benchmark against industry standards and best practice
  • Assessment of regulatory compliance
graphic of a computer screen showing the GCAP dashboard

Book a demo

Book a demo to see how GCAP could help with your ethics, compliance and sustainability programme.

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Contact Us

Whether you have a question, need more information about our services, or would like to explore how we can help your business, please get in touch.