How to address wage issues in the garment industry: boycott, pressurise or invest?

How to address wage issues in the garment industry: boycott, pressurise or invest?

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The collapse last year (2013) of the Rana Plaza factory building in Bangladesh, killing more than 1,130 garment workers, shocked the world. While campaigners had warned for years about the poor conditions endured by many of those making the cheap clothes worn and regularly discarded by western shoppers, the tragedy meant that the workers’ plight could no longer be ignored. It also helped to highlight just how little they were paid for their work – often less than £30 a month.

How to address some of these issues and achieve a fair wage in the fashion industry was the subject of a recent seminar held by the Guardian, in association with the fashion retailer H&M.

How to address wage issues in garment industry: boycott, pressurise or invest? | Guardian Sustainable Business | The Guardian

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