Ethics and compliance assessments

GoodCorporation conducts ethics and compliance assessments to help businesses, large and small, evaluate the effectiveness of their management systems and processes to ensure that they are adequate. 

We conduct assessments across all critical code of conduct topics using our proprietary frameworks that identify the practices and principles needed to manage ethics and compliance challenges effectively. Our assessments enable us to show what is working well and where systems need to be improved.  

Man doing an assessment on his laptop
two business people having a conversation in an office

Working with
companies on site

We work at head office, group or subsidiary level to assess how an organisation’s practices and procedures are working on the ground. Increasingly we also help our clients to assess and evaluate suppliers and other third parties to make sure they also have adequate procedures in place. 

Our specialised teams work on site, interviewing managers and reviewing policies and systems to see how they work. We also review records and documentation to assess how these policies work in practice. Most importantly, we conduct confidential interviews with a wide range of stakeholders that we select, to evaluate their insights into what works on a day-to-day basis. 

Assessments against a range of frameworks

GoodCorporation has a portfolio of ethics and compliance frameworks that form the basis of our assessments. Each of our frameworks contains carefully identified systems and procedures that enable organisations to embed best practice and demonstrate a responsible approach to managing various ethics and compliance challenges. Our teams use these frameworks to look for evidence to support each of the practices identified, assessing each one against a four-point scale.  

GoodCorporation report graphics

Our grading methodology enables us to score and benchmark management practices, providing independently verified data on effectiveness for internal reporting to senior management or the board, as well as external reporting to regulators, investors and external advisers. These benchmarks are a powerful tool to help Boards and senior management teams have an accurate picture of how well systems are working and what needs to be improved. 

adult male making plans

Ethics, compliance and sustainability risk assessments

Understanding the ethics, compliance and sustainability risks business face is key to managing and mitigating them effectively. GoodCorporation has over 20 years of experience helping organisations identify their actual and potential exposure to ethics and compliance risks, designing effective mitigating measures to ensure they have relevant and proportionate procedures to keep their business properly protected. 

Our risk assessment methodology can be applied to most ethics and compliance challenges. Our most widely used risk assessments include:  

GCAP | The GoodCorporation Assessment Platform

For clients looking to rapidly and efficiently evaluate key ethics and compliance risks within their organisation and across the supply chain, GCAP, the GoodCorporation assessment platform is available.   GCAP is a digital assessment tool that collates compliance data at speed, enabling companies to evaluate the performance of their ethics and compliance programmes, not just in their own operations, but in subsidiaries, partners and supply chains, or in portfolio and investee companies. It provides a meaningful evaluation of effectiveness alongside recommendations for improvement that is cost effective and easy to deploy. 

Find out more about GCAP
man working on a tablet device in the middle of a field
GCAP logo, Assessment Platform

GCAP uses proprietary grading algorithms to generate a bespoke report that provides an overview of performance, highlighting gaps and offering tailored recommendations as well as a prioritised action plan. It can be used to test the adequacy of an organisation’s compliance programme and provide benchmark data. 

Companies can use the platform to manage ethics and compliance programmes in the supply chain, in high-risk partners and in subsidiaries, or in their own organisations, helping companies protect reputations and comply with legislation such as the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), Sapin II and the UK Bribery Act.

Man writing on a graph on his desk
graphic of a computer screen showing the GCAP dashboard

Book a demo

Book a demo to see how GCAP could help with your ethics and compliance programme.

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Contact Us

Whether you have a question, need more information about our services, or would like to explore how we can help your business, please get in touch.