two men shaking hands

Anti-bribery and
corruption services

GoodCorporation’s anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) services enable businesses to build robust anti-corruption programmes that ensure high ethical standards and compliance with international anti-bribery legislation.

In the last decade, many national and multinational organisations have used our services to design, build, embed and evaluate their anti-corruption policies and procedures.

We have conducted over 100 anti-bribery and corruption assessments across the globe for a broad range of organisations operating in a wide variety of industry sectors.

Our anti-bribery
and corruption services

Regulatory authorities in many jurisdictions, including the UK, US, France and many other European countries urge companies to conduct periodic reviews of their anti-corruption procedures and make improvements where necessary.

GoodCorporation’s tools and expertise help our clients to design, build and embed more effective ABC programmes. We use our assessment methodology to evaluate how well their ABC programme is working and to provide detailed action plans to improve the programme so that our clients can be sure that their procedures are ‘adequate’.

a male and female colleague taking stock of a warehouse

Our tools for developing adequate procedures to prevent corruption

To be properly protected both from the risk of corruption and from the chance of prosecution, a robust ABC programme is essential. GoodCorporation offers a range of tools that can be used to test, measure and strengthen ABC programmes whether internally for legal compliance and board assurance purposes, or externally for regulators, monitors, shareholders or other third parties. These include:

ABC digital assessment tool The GoodCorporation Framework on Bribery and Corruption ABC risk assessment support ABC benchmarking of adequate procedures ABC due diligence design services ABC investigation services ABC communication and training programmes
GoodCorporation logo in orange

The GoodCorporation Framework on Bribery and Corruption

The GoodCorporation Framework on Bribery and Corruption is a set of responsible business principles with a robust and easy-to-understand methodology that can be used to test and strengthen anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) programmes. The framework covers all forms of corruption, not just bribes, including conflicts of interest, gifts and hospitality, competitive and transparent purchasing procedures, remuneration of sales agents, relationships with governments and public officials, whistleblowing, as well as governance structure and processes. 

GoodCorporation uses this framework to conduct high-level reviews of head office anti-bribery policies and also for site level reviews testing the effectiveness of anti-corruption procedures in operating units. Companies also use our assessments to identify any gaps in anti-corruption policies, for board reports, internal assurances of anti-bribery controls, external reporting and, increasingly, as a component of their ESG criteria.

Assessments against this framework helps companies test the strength of their ABC programme and the effectiveness of their measures to prevent corruption. It can also be used to demonstrate improvement by companies facing prosecution or debarment. In addition, when needed, our assessments can provide an ABC certification with the benefit of a clear road map for risk mitigation and improvement.

GoodCorporation framework graphic in orange

our Framework

Bribery and Corruption Framework

Anti-bribery risk assessment support

GoodCorporation helps its clients to design and build ABC risk assessments, helping companies to focus on the granular details of the corruption risks specific to the nature and location of their business. Understanding the full extent of any exposure to potential external and internal corruption risks is critical to building an effective ABC programme. We also conduct ABC risk assessments at group or local level, as appropriate.

ABC risk assessments should be carried out periodically, but especially in response to any significant changes to the nature or scope of an organisation.

Man wearing glasses in a lab coat looking at a tablet device that he is holding

The GoodCorporation
Framework on Preventing Fraud

The GoodCorporation Framework on Preventing Fraud is a set of responsible business principles which can be used as a tool to improve the management practices needed to prevent fraud and fraudulent behaviour.

Designed to help organisations respond to the UK’s Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency (ECCT) Act, the framework covers all forms of fraudulent practice listed in the act, including mis-selling, mis-representation, false claims, over-charging and dishonest sales practices.All relevant business functions are covered, including sales and marketing, procurement, finance, government and regulatory affairs and human resources.

GoodCorporation logo in green

Fraud prevention Framework

GoodCorporation uses this framework to help organisations evaluate their operations, identify where any risks of fraudulent practice might occur and help ensure that suitable controls and mitigation measures are in place.

The framework can be used to conduct high-level reviews of policies and procedures, as well as site level assessments testing the effectiveness of any existing procedures already in place.

Companies working with GoodCorporation can use these assessments for board reports, internal assurances, external reporting and as evidence of reasonable procedures.

The framework follows GoodCorporation’s established methodology using our independent assessment process for evaluating the practices and procedures under review.

GoodCorporation framework graphic in green

our Framework

Fraud Prevention Framework

Man looking at project statistics on his laptop
Man presenting a benchmark graph to his colleagues

Benchmarking anti-corruption controls

To help businesses assess the effectiveness of their anti-bribery programmes, relative to their competitors and peers, GoodCorporation has developed an  ABC Benchmark which ranks ABC programmes by adequacy.

The benchmark is made up of data from over 120 anti-corruption assessments comprising effectiveness tests for over 8,500 anti-bribery procedures, mainly in large international organisation. By analysing the benchmark, GoodCorporation is able to identify which anti-corruption procedures are proving difficult to implement and where good companies are excelling. 

With businesses under increasing pressure to ensure that robust ABC programmes are in place and properly embedded, this information is increasingly vital. Failure to understand which aspects are working and whether ABC programmes are effective can both expose a company to the risk of corruption and harm their defence should prosecution occur.

GoodCorporation report graphic

Anti-bribery corruption
due diligence services

GoodCorporation’s due diligence design services enable clients to carry out risk-appropriate and robust due diligence on even the most complex supply chains.

Our service helps companies identify high, medium and low-risk third parties, specifying the extent of due diligence checks that each level requires. We enable businesses to obtain reliable data on all high-risk suppliers, identify any red flags and advise on whether mitigation measures can be put in place to manage the relationship moving forwards.

Despite being firmly established as a core element of good governance, anti-bribery due diligence remains one of the hardest areas for businesses to get right. With illegal payments via third parties the most common reason for an anti-corruption prosecution, this places many organisations in a vulnerable position.

Due diligence is the least adequate of all the anti-corruption procedures assessed by GoodCorporation.

and monitoring support

GoodCorporation works with companies facing investigation, monitorship or debarment to test, strengthen and evaluate their compliance programmes. Our detailed investigation work enables companies to understand the full extent of any wrongdoing. It is also used to provide the basis for subsequent decision-making and future actions.

We work with companies who are under investigation by regulatory authorities. We perform the duties of a monitor to assess, revise and strengthen practices and procedures to help deliver sustained and continuous improvement.

We help design and implement ‘corporate renewal’ programmes and use our benchmarking to evidence that improvements are being made over time.

GoodCorporation is experienced in working with regulatory bodies. Please see the table to our left for examples of the industries we have worked in.

Anti-bribery and corruption training programmes

Good communication and training programmes are essential to ensure that a company properly embeds its ABC programme.

They are crucial to make sure that employees understand what is at stake and how they should behave. They are also essential to make sure that all stakeholders know how to report any concerns without fear of retaliation. GoodCorporation offers a range of anti-corruption training options including e-learning, face-to-face training, workshops and webinars, all tailored to the needs of individual organisations. 

We also help devise clear communication programmes designed to reinforce an organisation’s zero-tolerance approach to corruption.

Woman providing ABC training to her male colleague
Two men undertaking abc training at a desk in an office
5 white stars

GoodCorporation has a thorough understanding of how to measure ethical business conduct and to build this into the audit process. Analysing ethical business conduct and non-financial risk is a challenge for many businesses and we are very pleased that we have been able to take such a leading position through our work with GoodCorporation.

BAE Systems

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