Comment from GoodCorporation on collapse in SFO raids
Press statements | read time: 1 min

Leo Martin of GoodCorporation said:
“Britain will remain a soft touch for corporate corruption if the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) fails to demonstrate that it has an effective system in place for investigating those suspected of malpractice. The passing of the Bribery Act last year should have made it easier for prosecutors to catch those guilty of corruption. The fact that no searches have been conducted at all does call into question the effectiveness of the SFO and whether or not they have sufficient resources to do their job properly.
Many leading UK businesses recognise that strong anti-corruption systems are not just about staying out of jail but can be key to winning work, especially as public sector buyers are focusing increasingly on the ethics of their suppliers. But there is also a threat to these businesses if laggards are not also pushed to adopt good anti-corruption systems. For this to happen the SFO has to demonstrate that it is supporting the Bribery Act with a proactive approach to prosecution.”
Posted May 2012
Notes to Editors:
1. Leo Martin is available for interviews, briefings or written comment
2. GoodCorporation is a leading adviser in the field of business ethics, specialising in the assessment of responsible business management and anti-corruption practices.
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