Human rights risk assessment in manufacturing
Human Rights & Modern Slavery | read time: 1 min

The risks of human rights abuses are particularly acute in multinational organisations engaged in manufacturing and service activities.
GoodCorporation assisted an engineering and services company in identifying and assessing its potential human rights impacts related to its activities and those of its business partners.
With the support of GoodCorporation, the company was able to:
- Take stock of the group’s human rights policies and procedures, in particular fundamental rights at work;
- Carry out a human rights risk mapping in the company’s value chain;
- Understand existing good practices and necessary areas for improvement aimed at mitigating the risks and impacts identified;
- Develop a risk register and a prioritised action plan.
The methodology used by GoodCorporation to prioritise risks is based on the method recommended by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Priority is given to the most serious impacts in terms of their magnitude, their scope and their irremediable nature.
During this exercise, GoodCorporation also conducted a series of interviews with company executives to raise awareness and build ownership at the highest level of the organisation.
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