Yearly Archives: 2023


Assessing corruption risks to comply with international anti-bribery legislation

Risk is an inherent part of a business. It refers to the uncertainty, potential loss, or adverse outcomes a company may face due to its business activities. Businesses may encounter a variety of risks, including operational, behavioural, strategic, financial, legal, and reputational. However, there is one risk that encompasses all of these – corruption*. Bribery…

gavel on top of an open book

Requirements for businesses under emerging human rights legislation

As human rights legislation continues to evolve, businesses are under increasing pressure to identify and address any human rights impacts. As part of that process, businesses are being mandated to undertake human rights due diligence in an ever-growing number of jurisdictions. The pressure for human rights due diligence Human rights due diligence refers to the…

birds eye view of a world map edited into a forest

The corporate responsibility for managing climate change and human rights impacts

It is widely accepted that organisations have a duty to manage both their human rights and climate change impacts. This was reinforced when the United Nations Human Rights Council acknowledged the human right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment. To explore these issues in more detail, GoodCorporation consultant Lucie Bonpain, spoke to Anna…

workers sorting biscuits on a conveyer belt

How a Board should balance major strategic issues with staff retention and wellbeing’: An ICAEW podcast

GoodCorporation founder and director Leo Martin joined Peter van Veen, Director, Corporate Governance and Stewardship at the ICAEW and fellow panellists to discuss the role of the board in resolving ethical dilemmas where there is no clear solution. Their discussion explored the ways in which the board often needs to balance the strategic issues with…

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Who is responsible for driving ethics in engineering?

In the last of our 2022 debates at the House of Lords, Baroness Brown of Cambridge hosted GoodCorporation and the Royal Academy of Engineering (the Academy), together with representatives from across the UK engineering sector, to consider the challenges of managing ethics in engineering.  Professor David Bogle, President of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (iChemE) and Pro-Vice-Provost…