Archives par année de publication: 2021


Supporting mental health over the return to work: five key steps for employers to take

An estimated 60 per cent of the UK’s adult population has spent much of the last 15 months working from home. As businesses begin to welcome staff back to the workplace over the summer, careful thought will be needed to ensure that adequate support is provided for employees’ mental health needs. Mind, the mental health…

Stressed man sitting in office by window.

Fears over mental health as staff return to the workplace

UK workers are unconvinced that adequate mental health support will be provided as they return to the workplace on Monday. A nationwide survey of UK workers commissioned by business ethics specialists GoodCorporation revealed that only 36 per cent of staff believe that their employer will provide adequate mental health support as we come out of the crisis. …

Five steps to effective human rights risk assessment

Ten years on from the publication of the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights accounts of human rights abuses such as child labour, exploitation, enslavement and habitat destruction are still all too familiar. Despite the introduction of tougher human rights legislation in multiple jurisdictions, it would seem that assessing and mitigating…

The growing dominance of governance in ESG

As the calls for purpose beyond profit continue to grow, award-winning journalist Virginia Matthews spoke to Gareth Thomas about the shift in emphasis towards governance in ESG. In an article on governance and ESG for Raconteur/The Sunday Times, Virginia highlights the risks businesses take when governance of issues such as modern day slavery appears to…

line of COVID-19 vaccines

Managing Covid-19 vaccination take-up in the workplace

While the UK’s Covid vaccination programme surges forward at an impressive pace, questions are being raised about how this will be managed in the workplace. While some employers are planning to adopt a ‘no jab, no job’ approach, others are taking a more collaborative line, stating they will proactively encourage staff to have the vaccine…

Growing momentum for human rights due diligence

The implementation of mandatory human rights due diligence laws are being considered across Europe. The latest country to explore this approach was Switzerland. At the end of November a referendum was held asking the Swiss electorate to decide whether Swiss companies should be subject to mandatory due diligence. In the December/January issue of Governance &…

Textile factory workers

Managing the link between corruption and human rights

The link between human rights and corruption is well-known. It is also high on the agenda for many international organisations, including the United Nations and the OECD. Most countries have distinct legislation around both corruption and human rights. In France, companies of a certain size are required to implement specific compliance programmes to meet the…