Sport has moved off the back page to become front-page news. With repeated allegations of wrongdoing such as doping, bribery, cheating and match fixing, it’s time for a new set of rules. To help governing bodies maintain the integrity of their organisation on and off the field, GoodCorporation has launched its Sports Governance Framework. The…
Yearly Archives: 2016
Losing a contract because something goes wrong is a business headache that most organisations strive to avoid. This doesn’t just apply at a business-to-business level but forms, in theory, a crucial element of law enforcement. Under the EU Procurement Directive companies convicted of economic crimes such as bribery, fraud or money laundering are excluded from…
In many circles it is widely held that business and regulation are polar opposites: the latter restraining the former to prevent free enterprise and economic growth. What is less widely acknowledged perhaps is that often it is not regulation per se that hampers business, but bad regulation. Good regulation, in fact, can be welcomed by…
Moves to boost transparency in the relationships between healthcare professionals and pharmaceutical companies come into fruition this year. Michael Littlechild spoke to Pharma Times about the challenges and opportunities that disclosure will create. PharmaTimes – February 2016
The debate began by asking what we mean by a ‘good’ company? In English, ‘good’ has both a moral and a practical meaning; we talk about doing the right thing and how well something works. While these are two distinct concepts, there is a philosophical argument that suggests that the two are inextricably linked. Applied…