Frances House, Deputy Executive Director of the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) introduced GoodCorporation’s Business Ethics Debate on Business and Human Rights with an overview of the work of the IHRB and a recap of the Modern Slavery Act. The Institute of Human Rights and Business is a “think and do” tank with…
Archives par année de publication: 2015
Shockwaves from the Toshiba accounting scandal were felt way beyond the company. The scandal dealt a blow not just to directors, employees and shareholders, but also to the Japanese president Shinzo Abe and his attempts to reform the country’s corporate governance practices. A recent study of corporate governance in 25 leading nations by KPMG and…
The emissions scandal at Volkswagen reveals how costly a lapse in ethical judgement can be. It has been argued that neither the firm’s supervisory board nor its executive committee where doing their job properly. But what should boards and investors be doing to ensure that such misconduct cannot go unchecked. Our Opinion Piece in The…
Karen Borrer, Head of Reputation at the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), opened GoodCorporation’s autumn Business Ethics Debate with an overview of the disclosure requirements, from June 2016, regarding transfers of value made to healthcare professionals (HCPs) during 2015. This comes in response to worldwide societal expectations of greater transparency across all industries….
The debate began with the suggestion that one way to minimise the risks is for organisations to work together to take industry-wide action (collective action) that sets the standards for good conduct in a particular sector. Antti Heinonen, chairman of the Banknote Ethics Initiative (BnEI) and a former director of the European Central Bank opened…
Leo Martin led delegates at London’s LegalConfex in September through the Anti-Corruption Boot Camp with thought-provoking contributions from fellow-panelists Omar Qureshi from Cameron McKenna and Sean Thomas of Hewlett Packard. The panelists discussed a range of compliance challenges including the key difficulties in implementing robust ABC controls on the ground; where the Serious Fraud Office,…
Breaching regulations is an expensive business as Volkswagen has discovered. Within hours of the revelation going public, the company had lost a fifth of its market value, its managers faced criminal charges and several billion dollars had been removed from the bottom line to pay for the recall and inevitable fines. Described by some as…
Earlier this month the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a memorandum from the Deputy Attorney General announcing the Department’s intention to pursue aggressively any individuals involved in corporate crimes. According to the memorandum, the DOJ believes that seeking to hold individuals to account for perpetrating illegal misconduct is one of the most effective ways of…
In March 2015, the Modern Slavery Act received Royal Assent in the UK. This poses an obligation on UK businesses over a certain size to report each year on the actions they have taken to ensure there is no modern slavery in their supply chains. It takes the normal discourse about supply chain management. third…
Andrew Feinstein, founder of Corruption Watch UK, author and former ANC MP opened GoodCorporation’s summer Business Ethic’s Debate with an assessment of the global corruption landscape, looking at the areas where significant improvements have been made and highlighting the problems that must still be overcome. On the plus side, tougher new legislation such as the…