Archives par année de publication: 2014

Smiling man in glasses by window.

GoodCorporation response to Sir Richard Lambert’s Banking Standards Review

19 May 2014 Leo Martin, GoodCorporation director said: “It is absolutely right that the Banking Standards Review Council should focus on ethics and behaviour. The vast majority of the problems that have damaged the sector’s reputation have stemmed from malpractice and misconduct.  Establishing a body to define, advocate and embed high standards of good practice…

woman's hand signing a contract

Zero-hours contracts – the good, the bad and the ugly

Zero-hours contracts are in the news again. From the estimates last summer that 200,000 employees were on zero-hours contracts, it now appears that there are an estimated 1.4 million jobs offered on such terms, according to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). More than one in 10 employers use such contracts….

The challenges of ethics and compliance in Engineering & Construction Projects

Marrying the demands of the UK Bribery Act with the multiple suppliers involved in Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) contracts is proving to be one of the bigger challenges for Bribery Act compliance. Clients and contractors joined us for our Business Ethics Debate at the House of Lords this month and engaged in a frank discussion…

Person looking at a graph comparing statistics

GoodCorporation announces revised Business Ethics Standard

GoodCorporation has strengthened the human rights and working conditions sections of its responsible business framework, the GoodCorporation Business Ethics Standard. This development reflects the UK Governments Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, launched last year in response to the United Nation’s Guiding Principles on Human Rights. In its Action Plan, the Government states that…

Whistleblowing data should be reported says charity

Employers should share whistleblowing data in their annual reports to allow benchmarking, according to Public Concern at Work CEO Cathy James. She told HR magazine at a debate on business ethics organised by the GoodCorporation: “It’s a challenge for an organisation to see how it’s performing against its peers. Published: 20 March 2014

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BBC launches child protection policy review

        The BBC has launched a stand-alone investigation into its child protection and whistleblowing policies following delays to the Dame Janet Smith review. The corporation has commissioned business ethics specialists GoodCorporation to undertake the work, supported by child protection expert Moira Murray. Dame Janet’s team originally intended to carry out the assessment…

Hands exchanging stack of money on table.

Statement regarding the Dame Janet Smith Review

The BBC has today issued the following statement regarding the Dame Janet Smith review. In addition to the substantive work of Dame Janet Smith’s Review to review the culture and practices of the BBC during the years that Jimmy Savile worked here, she was also asked to look at the BBC’s current child protection and…

big ben and the house of lords

The challenges of ethics and compliance in EPC

Nathalie Louys, General Counsel of Subsea 7 led GoodCorporation’s Business Ethics Debate on ethics and compliance in EPC at the House of Lords on April 2nd. The discussion focussed on Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) compliance and looked at the pressures on contractors to comply with Adequate Procedures. The key issues: Prescriptive compliance clauses: Clients increasingly…