Archives par année de publication: 2013

Attentive audience at business conference session.

New Bribery Laws do not threaten business hospitality

Speculation that Britain’s new Bribery laws threaten the future of corporate hospitality is largely misplaced, says GoodCorporation, a leading adviser in business ethics. Entertaining clients can legitimately remain part of business life, but companies need to ensure that hospitality is proportionate and clearly designed to build on business relationships rather than influence decisions. “In our…

Person working on laptop and tablet

GoodCorporation publishes weakest anti-corruption practices

Failure to establish strong and effective due diligence processes is the area where businesses are most likely to fail when the new Bribery Act comes into force this Friday (July 1st 2011) – see table below. The management of agents to make sure they don’t pay bribes on behalf of companies is also a significant…