Yearly Archives: 2013

Comment from GoodCorporation on collapse in SFO raids

Leo Martin of GoodCorporation said: “Britain will remain a soft touch for corporate corruption if the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) fails to demonstrate that it has an effective system in place for investigating those suspected of malpractice.   The passing of the Bribery Act last year should have made it easier for prosecutors to catch…

man resting his hands on a barbed wire fence

GoodCorporation launches human rights framework

Few organisations have a specific Human Rights policy in place or a nominated individual responsible for monitoring their human rights impact, revealed the latest GoodCorporation Business Ethics debate at the House of Lords. At the debate, only a handful of organisations admitted to conducting fact finding exercises to see what is happening on the ground…

workers picking out biscuits on a biscuit production line

GoodCorporation comments on the Welfare to Work scheme

“The key problem with the Government’s welfare-to-work scheme is that it places businesses in the spotlight, facing potential allegations of exploitation. Many large companies have invested considerable amounts of time and money cleaning up their own organisations and putting systems and processes in place to ensure that they employ people fairly and properly. “They have…

Business analysis with graphs and coins.

Is the finance sector’s reputation damaged beyond repair?

Whether or not the reputation of the finance sector is damaged beyond repair depends on the steps taken to establish a robust and honest framework within which it operates. The immediate focus of the financial crisis has quite rightly been on saving the financial system overall, focusing on the wholesale market and inter-bank lending. However…

woman handing man a stack of cash over a desk

GoodCorporation gives 7/10 to Bribery Act Guidance

Government guidance on the Bribery Act (published today) brings a period of uncertainty for British business to a close.  Michael Littlechild, director of anti-corruption advisors GoodCorporation, welcomes the clarity the guidance brings to hospitality and facilitation payments, but questions a number of major omissions and out-dated exemptions. “Much of the guidance is clear, straight forward…

Gavel coming down on the word 'corruption'

UK Embassies must play greater role in tackling overseas corruption

British embassies are failing to give enough support to help businesses stamp out demands for bribes and facilitation payments abroad. At a recent debate on ethical dilemmas in the construction industry, held by GoodCorporation at the House of Lords, a number of leading players reported that British Embassies repeatedly failed to take action when demands…

Team collaborating around a laptop in office

GoodCorporation launches Anti Bribery & Corruption Framework

To help businesses test the efficacy of their Anti-Corruption procedures, GoodCorporation has developed an Anti Bribery and Corruption framework. GoodCorporation’s Bribery and Corruption Framework has been designed in the same way as its Standard for corporate responsibility. It has a list of 60 good management practices that companies should follow to protect themselves against the…

Team meeting in modern office with city view.

Shareholders wrong to turn a blind eye to ethical standards

Shareholders need to take a more proactive position on business ethics and demand a more detailed briefing on the steps being taken to prevent reputational damage, say responsible business advisors GoodCorporation. Monday’s report by the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors revealed that only 8 per cent of FTSE 100 firms show a metric of ethical…