Another story of slave labour in Britain hit the headlines this week with the trial of yet another gang exploiting migrant workers for vast profit. This would be shocking if we hadn’t heard it all before. While many large companies do audit their supply chain, including Tesco and Waitrose who had purchased the produce harvested…
Archives par année de publication: 2010
You wouldn’t expect large numbers at a public lecture, on the evening of a World Cup semi-final. So I was astonished to find myself in the company of 1,200 people at St Paul’s Cathedral on Tuesday 6 July to hear Niall Ferguson’s lecture on Men, Money and Morality: How Can Trust in Banking be Restored?…
The OFT has published revised guidance on director disqualification orders, indicating that directors will face tougher disqualification penalties if their businesses are involved in anti-competitive behaviour. Directors found to have been involved in anti-competitive activities or who ought to have known what was going on, will face the prospect of a 15-year ban from acting…
With the new ISO 26000 social responsibility standard due to be launched later this year, GoodCorporation invited CR specialists from some of the UK’s leading companies and organisations to debate its likely impact. The debate began with an overview from the guest speaker of what the Standard might achieve. He began with a note of…
The debate about the shape of corporate governance after the banking crisis is beginning to take shape. The Financial Reporting Council published its UK Corporate Governance Code last week. According to the Code, Board Directors should face annual re-election in a move to create greater accountability in the wake of the recent financial crisis. In…
British businesses will need to tighten up their anti-corruption policies now that new bribery laws have been passed, warn corporate responsibility experts GoodCorporation. The Bribery Bill will require companies facing prosecution to show that they had adequate procedures in place to prevent corruption from taking place within their organisation. Failure to do so will make…
Confidentiality is defined by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) as “ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorised to have access”. A dictionary definition tells you that something ‘confidential’ is written, spoken or acted on ‘in strict privacy’. At GoodCorporation we conduct some 3,000 interviews a year with staff, shareholders, customers, suppliers and…
As we leave the ‘noughties’, when CSR really came of age, what do the ‘Teens’ hold for the future of Responsible Business Practice? A recent survey by IPSOS Mori revealed that 57 per cent of UK captains of industry say that companies will continue to invest in corporate responsibility. So which areas of corporate responsibility…